Spin City Wall

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bttf said …
spin city is SO funny with Michael J Fox on it after he left not so much any more. i think that Michael's acting was great especially since he had parkinson's at the time. Posted over a year ago
JayRyanz commented…
Spin City was much appreaciated by lots of fans essentially because of its talented actors and all the crews/staffs behind the production. Each character delivers good chemistry in all of the scenes – they’re all highly professional and makes everyone laughs. Both Michael J. Fox and Charlie Sheen’s episodes are really great but Mike grabs the first place for me. Furthermore, the mayor which was portrayed by Barry Bostwick is also good lol , he’s really hilarious on being play-like innocent type. But this show has a big shock when Michael J. Fox decided to leave the show but Charlie Sheen had managed to give this show some high ratings as well. Recently i have got my hands on the whole series of shows by purchasing a good DVD copy at www.dvdbooth.com . It’s a good DVD set with all the episodes from 1996 up to 2002. It’s a great feeling to re-watch this sitcom again. Absolutely 10 stars for this show! over a year ago