stop bullying and discuss how you feel Club
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posted by Aleysha_styles
A bully is just a person who has been bullied before.a bully is someone who need friends and less hate in their when you see a bully try not to heart them back make friends with them.invite them to seat with you and your friends.soon the bully will stop bothering you.
next week i going to giving weekly storys about my life and how i stoped being a bully and how i stopped being bullied
well i think i made a new friend she like a sister to me but i dont even know her.She gives me advice about how to make my story better.she makes the best story i ever read and i read alot.I can tell she a true friend because when she writes to me she is so kind and never rude.the person im talking about is fiercestgirl.I never had someone so nice to me besides my family.She doesnt judge me,then again she cant judge me cause she doesnt know what i look like.I want to say thank you for being a fan of my club and a nice person.
posted by Aleysha_styles
Hi again this time i'm going to tell you how to get throught to your bullies. I know your wondering how i know so much about this well i not going to lie.I get bullied and i use to be a bully myself but back to what i was talking about.When your dealing with a bully you see a big mean person ready to pound you in your face.DONT flintch cause that shows the bully you are scared of him and you show a bully your easliy scare well i just got to say they will pick on you all the time.Yes usally i would say tell a parenet or a teacher but that will just make it worst.ALWAYS walk in a group of friends when your getting bullied cause it the safe way out.LAST thing you can always find a soft spot in a bully even if thier mean to you be nice to them and invite them to party by then they would stop bullying you and everyone else.
posted by Aleysha_styles
Hi my name is Aleysha. i made this website to help people getting or people who are bullying stop. i know alot about bullying cause i get bullied all the time.I am so use to being so quiet i forget how to speak up for myself.When i getting pushed in lockers or getting punched in the face all the time i just want to slap them so hard but it not going to do anything but make it worst.Yeah somepeople think sewaude is the best way to get away from bullies well let me tell you it won't,all it will do is bring sadness to family and the people around you.That why we have parnets,conselers,and this...
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