Teen Titans: Next Generation! Club
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posted by Fireflamefox
Raven called upstairs to her kids. "Dove, Crow, come down here or your going to miss school!" she shouted. "Coming, Mom! But Crow won't get out of bed!" shouted BB and Rae's daughter. Dove raced down the stairs into the living room. "Crow, get down here now!" yelled Raven. Finally, losing control, she said "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" and Crow came flying down the stairs and into the living room. "Morning, kids." said BB as he flew out the door to work. They got dressed and went to see their friends. They still lived in Titans Tower with Starfire, Robin, their daughter Moonfire, Cyborg and Bumblebee, and their son Wasp, and of course, theirselves. The kids went to a school called Super, the school for super powered kids. Jericho and Kole's kids, Jenny and Crystal went their too, along with Blaze, Pyro, Dash Curse, Swift Hex, Scarlette, Cultrom, Redfire, and Aqua Lily, who were all the kids of people on Teen Titans. Watch out for Teen Titans: Next Generation #2 on Monday!