Teenage Pregnancy Club
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posted by Jackson-Bieber
If your little brother does something that you don’t like, you don’t keep your mouth shut about it, right? Of course not! You tell him straight out that he did something you didn’t like and to cut it out. And while we don’t advocate talking to your partner in the same way you’d talk to your little brother, the message is the same: you have to tell your partner what you’re thinking. You can’t expect him/her to be a mind reader—and they can’t expect YOU to read THEIR mind either. Telling your partner that you want them at opening night of the play you’re in (even though you...
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posted by Jackson-Bieber
Dating abuse might not be something that everybody talks about, but that doesn’t mean that it’s uncommon. Consider this:

•1 in 4 teen girls say they have been concerned about being physically hurt by their partner.
•1 in 4 teens who have been in a serious relationship say that a boyfriend or girlfriend has tried to prevent them from spending time with friends or family; the same number have been pressured to only spend time with their partner.
•Half of teen girls who have experienced sexual pressure report they are afraid the relationship would end if they did not give in.
•Nearly 1...
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posted by Jackson-Bieber
The most effective birth control of all: Not having sex. It’s the only ‘method’ that can provide a 100% guarantee of no pregnancy and no sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Bottom line: No sex, no pregnancy. And even though it may seem like everyone’s doing it, that’s just not the case…the truth is some people are, some people aren’t…and some people are just lying. Only about half of high school teens have had sex and about 66% of teens who have had sex say that they wish they’d waited. That means that for every 3 people who’ve done it, 2 wish they hadn’t. Just something...
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posted by Jackson-Bieber
Babies are great—they’re cute and cuddly and they love you. But they’re also needy and selfish—they want all your time and attention and they want it NOW. Be honest—there are a million things you'd rather be doing than changing a diaper, right? So if you decide to have sex, have you considered the consequences of getting pregnant/ causing a pregnancy? Weirdly enough, almost 50% of teens have never thought about how a pregnancy would affect their lives even though having a baby could be one of the most life-changing things to happen to them. Consider this:

School comes second:

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