The Day That Changed the World Club
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Characters (some for the day that changed the world): Jason, John, Micheal, Jessica, Kyle and other various characters.

Jason walked along side his police officer watching for anything dangerous, He got his chance as a boy no older the 5 slipped and fell into the street of violently moving cars filled with rushing commuters. "this is what im trained for" he thought to himself rushing over yanking his leash free of the officers hand and tearing into the street biting onto the boy's shirt and tugging him onto the sidewalk a a large bus roared by."phew that was close" he thought as he was pat on the head and cheered for though he didn't feel heroic as he hop into the K-9 cruiser feeling somewhat odd not seeing jessica there."where's Jessica?" he listened hearing a plane over head and then suddenly a loud explosion and the radio in the cruiser crackled to life calling all first responders, that a plane had hit the north trade tower. (that's it so far lemme know what you think guys)