The Demonata Series Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Would you like to see The Demonata series be turned to movies? over a year ago by HoneyBadger0712
a comment was made to the poll: What is your favourite book in the series? over a year ago by HoneyBadger0712
fan art was added: Grubbs Grady over a year ago by ThrillerZombie
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Bubblepop18
an answer was added to this question: Im in the middle of reading Deaths Shadow im at the part were Juni swan comes back. i'm curious what happens in Wolf Island and in the other two books im dieing to now over a year ago by Bubblepop18
a comment was made to the poll: If your could be any of these characters from the books which one would you pick? over a year ago by Phoebe43
a comment was made to the poll: would you date reni? over a year ago by Phoebe43
a comment was made to the poll: Whose your favourite narrator?? over a year ago by Phoebe43
a comment was made to the poll: Who has the best ability? over a year ago by Phoebe43
an answer was added to this question: does reni come back in book 10? and if so, do she and grubbs get back together? over a year ago by conman9298
a comment was made to the poll: Would you want there to be more Books About Bec Or kernel? over a year ago by pandawinx
a poll was added: Would you want there to be more Books About Bec Or kernel? over a year ago by Geogamer
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favourite girl character in the series? over a year ago by Overoxina
a comment was made to the poll: If one of these had to die, which one would it be? over a year ago by Heidihi2
an answer was added to this question: Help! over a year ago by Nikkjp
a question was added: Im in the middle of reading Deaths Shadow im at the part were Juni swan comes back. i'm curious what happens in Wolf Island and in the other two books im dieing to now over a year ago by Nikkjp
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How does the Grady curse start? over a year ago by Nikkjp
a pop quiz question was added: How does the Grady curse start? over a year ago by Nikkjp
a poll was added: If your could be any of these characters from the books which one would you pick? over a year ago by Nikkjp
a reply was made to the forum post: Kiss; Hug; Slap over a year ago by esilvia6
a reply was made to the forum post: The Demonata Series v Saga of Darren Shan over a year ago by pandawinx
an answer was added to this question: What would be your best and worst ending for this series? over a year ago by pandawinx
an answer was added to this question: dont u think the covers r realy werid? over a year ago by pandawinx
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the coolest Demon? over a year ago by pandawinx
a comment was made to the poll: Would you want Bran, from book 4, to make a return? over a year ago by pandawinx
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you think is the funniest character? over a year ago by pandawinx
an answer was added to this question: dont u think the covers r realy werid? over a year ago by Sasume
a question was added: dont u think the covers r realy werid? over a year ago by 4ponies
an answer was added to this question: Help! over a year ago by 4ponies
a question was added: does reni come back in book 10? and if so, do she and grubbs get back together? over a year ago by jercy_packson1
a question was added: What would be your best and worst ending for this series? over a year ago by wild-bby
a question was added: Help! over a year ago by tammy63