The Demonata Series Wall

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big smile
ThrillerZombie said …
the demonata series are AMAZING! oh and real fans out there... go to you can email, send a letter, draw a picture or anything and he will respond! :D i recently drew a picture and he put it up in his fan art section :) LOVE YOU DARREN SHAN!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! <3 Posted over a year ago
SilverBoa commented…
Omg I'll so do this ! ;) over a year ago
LoveDraco123 said …
:3 I just finished reading 'Lord Loss' and it was SO good. The start and end were especially gripping, but I have to say the middle got a bit boring. But once you recover from the uneventful parts, you're hooked. Absolutely hooked. And I have to say, the ending put a huge smile on my face. :) Posted over a year ago
pott_a_hollic said …
Does any one know how old Grubbs is in the first book, lord loss? Posted over a year ago
Nikkjp said …
I LOVE this Demonata series but my mother keeps on telling me that this is going to bit me in the A$$ later on in life {P.S.- I have know idea what she means by that} but anyways i like the descriptev actiony cool gory type of books because it reminds me what the real world is like out there Posted over a year ago
Nikkjp commented…
I NEVER said that!! your sooo busted Nicholas Jerome!! over a year ago
Nikkjp commented…
and YES!! THIS IS NIKKS MOTHER!! over a year ago
fire-love-x commented…
XD link over a year ago