The Fanpop Anime Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 23

-Wednesday- said …
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalright guys. i would really like to get this club alive again so do something goddammit. i will probably be posting my idea for the plot soon. so everyone else fucking do something kthnxbye Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- said …
Has anything happened here? K no.
//rollsback Posted over a year ago
SymmaGirl2 said …
Okay, since I haven't been on this spot much at all, can someone fill me in on the plot so far and shizz because I'm way too lazy to look through all the posts? Posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
If you wanna get the full story, reading all the posts is really a good idea... over a year ago
SymmaGirl2 commented…
^ I'll do it when I'm not sleep-deprived and pissed at my family~ over a year ago
SymmaGirl2 commented…
I read through the entire wall (comments included) and I still don't get it... ARGH why is my brain so stupid. over a year ago
big smile
BeastBoyCahill said …
Alright! I just filled in my character's personality. Now my article is finished! Check it out! Posted over a year ago
Panda-Hero said …
I thought of a 20-second filler, where I'd be at the computer, laughing really hard, and someone would come behind me and ask what I was laughing at. I'd slowly turn around and some horrific thing would be on the screen and the person who walks up to me would start screaming.

I don't know, it randomly popped in my head. Do you like it? Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Yes! xDD over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Yeah! xD over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Lovely. ouo over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
Hey, guys, check it out! I finally posted my character description in the articles section!
(Well, I didn't fill in the personality part yet... but I'll hopefully edit it tomorrow.)
Oh, if you were going to rate the article, please don't yet until I'm done with it... because when you edit an article, it loses its fan count and you can't refan it... Posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
And I'm planning to have a drawing of my character in soon! Like I said before, I can't draw worth poop... But I have a friend who can draw anime/manga style really well so I can ask him to do it! over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Cool!! :) over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
wishey said …
Can I join? Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
I don't mind, but you'll have to ask Captain Beast. :3 over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Ehh.. Yeah, you'd have to ask Beast but we want as little people as possible... ^^; over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
:D Sure. It's okay with me. over a year ago
MissChicky97 said …
If this is going to be an anime, we don't exactly need to type in full sentences, do we? Just a thought... Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Not referring to this spot. Please use correct grammar. over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Well if you're typing in full sentences on this spot, what exactly do you mean...? over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
.......oh. ._. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
I will try to post my idea of the details of how the rendezvous was discovered and other 1st episode stuff tomorrow in the articles section. Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Yay! >u< over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
YAYZ!! over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Alright, it's here! over a year ago
Panda-Hero said …
Skeleton storyline:

A bunch of friends online are called to a rendezvous by the managers of the website.Then they're thrown into a giant calamity, thus changing their lives forever, revealing these powers they have. Correct? Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Yep! over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Great. over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
(Now where is that dang DS...) over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
OH, HEY, GUYS! Another idea!
What about those 'intermissions' in around the middle of the episode where two cards about characters in the episode flash for about 3 seconds each? I saw those in Kuroshitsuji II and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Posted over a year ago
mistymaydawngo commented…
Thats a good idea :D over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Thank ye. I'm glad you like it. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Thank ye. I'm glad you like it. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
Hey, guys!
Sooo... We've decided to be both Internet Explorers and parttime superheroes, right?
Well, in that case, I think we'll want to include our 'superpowers' in our character descriptions and make them well-noted with our characters from now on.
(The powers may not have to be something too great, especially since we're a team, just something like Heiwajima's super strength in Durarara!! But some form of 'superpower(s)' for each character.) Posted over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Great. over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Oh boy... over a year ago
Panda-Hero said …
Have we finished voting on the theme? Have we decided it'll be World's End Dancehall?

Side note: Just because Fanpop made a superfluous change doesn't mean we can't keep on, no matter how much we despise it. Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
As much as I want it to be Game of life... it might be a good idea over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Well I put that based on the voting results. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
Hey, guys.
I just got a good idea for one of our anime's story arcs:
One day, when we come home to Fanpop, we suddenly find out that out of the blue (literally... out of the blue...), it's layout has been drastically changed!!! Our Elite Fanpoppers team does not accept this and we fight for some way to get it back to how it was before!!
Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
YESH!!!! over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
A great story taken from real life, right? over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
@Beast Oh, that makes more sense. ^^; over a year ago
mistymaydawngo said …
The club was so active yesterday and that was the day I couldnt come online >.<
Thats not even fair Dx Posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Aww, sorry about that. Well, we could be active today too if we rally some more users... over a year ago
mistymaydawngo commented…
I blame my school ._. i had a chorus concert over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
I wish I was still in choir. :S over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
I blame homeschool! over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
But remember, guys... A character's theme song shouldn't have the lyrics being sang, just the music, right? Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
My last hour and a half of deep thought have been a complete waste. ._. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Awww... over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Aaah... over a year ago
-Wednesday- said …
I see some of you are looking into your theme songs.
Well then, let me state my thoughts on mine.
I'm stuck on Ten-faced, My True Self, and Daughter of Evil.
Hard choice.
And maybe Clockwork Lullaby4. Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
And The Game Of Life of it doesn't get picked a the opening song. over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Never this shit. My parade was rained on by Beastly rainbows. over a year ago
Panda-Hero said …
I'm torn between theme songs now.

I don't know if it should be Panda Hero... or Dark Symmetry... or Russian Roulette, or maybe My Crush was a Monster Boy. Or Mozaik Role. unset Love Suicide. Carnival. DX Posted over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
*Sunset over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Ooooh... over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
Exactly.... ;^; over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
Boku wa BeastBoyCahill desu.

Yaaay, I know Japanese!
*Smacks self in the head with negi like Neru did to Miku in Triple Baka* Posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
:D Oh, I love being able to just say random junk like this once in a while... Fanpop is beautiful. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
scalesandtails1 commented…
^np! over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said …
Boy, this club sure has been active today! What a good day for us! Posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 commented…
Yeah! over a year ago
Panda-Hero said …
So for images, we draw ourselves anime-style? Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Pretty much. over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
And then again everyone needs to post a drawing of themselves before I do anything. over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Yeah. over a year ago
-Wednesday- said …
Why is this club so inactive?
DAMMIT CLUB, DO SOMETHING!!!! Posted over a year ago
mistymaydawngo commented…
xD Dont we need the pick for which vocaloid song to use? over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Yeaaaah. over a year ago
mistymaydawngo said …
Took this wall's virginity!! YUS
I'm sorry I just had to xD Posted over a year ago
-Wednesday- commented…
Can I please have a small share of it? ouo over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Well, you can't have it! over a year ago
mistymaydawngo commented…
GIVE IT over a year ago