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no1drwhofan said …
The only Harry Sullivan episodes I have watched are 'Revenge of the Cybermen' and 'The Android Invasion'. I thought he was absolutlely formidable. It is such a great shame Ian Marter died on his 42nd birthday (28th Oct 1986). >Sniff< And Lis Clara Heath-Sladen died aged 65 (19th April 2011). Why is everyone passing over?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
HappiSnewWho commented…
I wish I knew. I wasn't a fan of Doctor Who when Ian passed on, [still miss him, and it is so sad when he died] but I was a fan of DW when Lis passed, and it was like a giant recking ball just hit me. 65? too young. She should have lived to see her grandchildren. over a year ago