"The Killing Profession" Wall

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Sesshomaru-1 said …
Another club about Me? well then. Posted over a year ago
big smile
5Froots3 said …
Yay! More Sesshomaru! Posted over a year ago
sesshyswind commented…
Yep :) over a year ago
sesshyswind said …
Join my new club link :D Posted over a year ago
sesshyswind said …
This spot is for and or about anybodies fanfiction, so what's up?!! People know any good Sess fics :? Posted over a year ago
sesshyz commented…
link over a year ago
sesshyz commented…
^ One of the best Sess fanfics I ever read. It's Kagome x Sesshoumaru but it's realistic. It isn't all like they suddenly fall in love with each other and everything is great and happy. lol It has a rather dark plot and some pretty mature content in it also, so I'm not sure if that's something you're interested in over a year ago
sesshyswind commented…
... sent you a message, kay :) over a year ago
sesshyswind said …
I have to stop saying fan fiction....... it'll rot your brain XD Posted over a year ago
sesshyswind said …
This spot is about the Fan's version of Sesshomaru, not the real thing. And anything goes, with the exception of Yaoi, this will not be toleated on this spot, but what ever else you like, SessXKikyo, SessXRin, Sesskag, Sess and Inuyasha (just as brothers) or SessXOC, or just plain Sess..... like I said anything goes. Posted over a year ago
sesshyswind commented…
And SessXKagura........... can't believe I almost for got my favorite paringXD!!! over a year ago
sfdmoment commented…
Yes, Sess and Kikyou would be too weird, since Kikyou was his little brother's lover. However, if any human was to be with Sess, Kikyou would be the best choice, because she does stay young forever. And who is SessXOC, who is OC. And what is Yaoi? I do have too many questions. over a year ago
sesshyswind commented…
Thanks, I love it to, the Icon pic, it's one of my favorite Sess pics. It's not the icon I originally wanted to use but the darn system wouldn't let me upload it...*annoied*... maybe I'll try again later. over a year ago