The Misadventures Fan Fiction Club
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“So, let me get this straight,” Tails was checking Myzak’s vital systems because for now, Myzak was new to the team. “Lil allowed you guys to go to get Eggman like bounty hunters for three days. If you don’t get him in that time, you go to jail. Am I right so far?”

“Perdy much.” Myzak nodded. Suddenly, something sharp injected into his shoulder. Myzak winced.

“Sorry,” Tails adjusted his glasses. “The needles are sharp.” They were in Tails’ workshop. The X-Tornado, his valued shape-shifting plane, stood not 15 yards away. To be exact about their location in the workshop,...
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posted by Milesprowerfan
Scene: Almost midnight, a full moon is rising, it will be a lunar eclipse tonight. Valley Battle. Flames are burning all around. Sonic, followed by Tails and Knuckles, is dashing about looking for Dr. Eggman among the ruble of the Dr.’s spacecraft.

Sonic: Hey doc! Have you learned your lesson this time! Dr. Eggman! Anyone home? Hello!? Hey, look at all this scrap! I didn’t think we did this much damage. (Sonic picks up a piece of a door, which must’ve flown off in the event of the crash.)
Tails: I don’t think we were the ones to did this, Sonic… (passes Sonic to search a pile of computer-parts.)...
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posted by Milesprowerfan
In the subterranean part of the xerox-compound, Future City...
“Bill, SHUT UP!!!” Terra, an angelic-looking pink hedgehog with long wavy hair, laughed with her boyfriend in the underwater museum. “Nothing could ruin tonight! Why would you even say that?”

“I don't know,” Claude shrugged. “Two nights ago a wallaby was kidnapped from the Mystic Ruins. I guess I'm just nervous about it. That, and the fact that the-” His voice suddenly stopped. His eyes began to gaze past Terra. “Sweetie,” he began to shake. “Sweetie, get behind me. Now! There's a...” He couldn't finish the...
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Sonic lay on Tails’ couch in the workshop. “Goodnight!” He called to the other three, who were huddled around a table with hot beverages in their hands. “Tomorrow is another day!”

“Sonic,” the concern in Tails’ voice caught the hedgehog off guard. “It’s already been two days. We haven’t gotten anywhere! We spent too much time on Angel Island!” The fox-boy sipped as his mint-tea. “Tomorrow is our last day. Aren’t you concerned?”

“Not really.” Sonic admitted. “No matter what, we always come out on top.”

“Not anymore!” Knuckles snapped. He took a huge gulp...
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“Are we there yet?” Tails whined sleepily.

“We’ll get there when we get there!” Knuckles snapped. Sonic snored on the wing. Myzak was playing another long crossword puzzle. “Besides, you’re the one who’s driving!”

“But we’ve been flying through fog for hours!” Tails groaned. The X-Tornado tilted slightly, causing Sonic to fall onto Myzak’s crossword. “When did the Mystic Ruins get like this? Wait. Don’t tell me! It happened after Eggman left. Right?”

“Yeah!” Knuckles snapped. “Can you stop complaining?”

“But, I haven’t gotten my coffee yet!” Tails snapped...
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“You were created to be a guardian, Shadow.” Myzak began, waiting Shadow's fingers glide across a keyboard. “First to Maria, and corrupted, somehow. Now, you will have no purpose unless you protect others. Once that is down, you will be alright.”

“But,” Shadow said, staring at the monitor of the same lab that Dr. Gerald Robotnik’s memory chip was inserted into Myzak's brain, “am I really the Ultimate Life Form? Or am I a clone?” He got the head-band ready.

Myzak smiled. “You were always the original. For one thin', clones don't bleed. There's a bloodstain on your...
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Scene Four: Discovered
Scene: Lil’s apartment. Sonic awakes, still on Lil’s couch. He stretches and lazily sits up. Nothing’s changed except for the lighting. It’s mid-afternoon. Suddenly, Lil bursts into the scene, carrying books. She slams the door shut with her foot.

Lil: Afternoon, Sonic!
Sonic: That time already?
Lil: Yeah. I’ve been gone since 4:30 this morning. I was kinda scared that you would destroy the place. But, I can see you like to sleep in…late. What would you like to eat for dinner?
Sonic: Man! It feels like I haven’t eaten in years! Have any chilidogs?
Lil: Funny you...
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Scene Eleven: Flames of Fury
Scene: G.U.N. lab. Red-toned room with computers for walls. Sci-fi at its best here. There is a huge table in the center of the room where General Hawkstrike is sitting…still.

General Hawkstrike: They got away…?
Kestrel: Liqua has failed us. Weed failed us. Tazor failed us. I have failed us. I’m sorry, sir.
General Hawkstrike: No, not yet. A wise man once said “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” We have not failed until the Everquest is at ruin and I am dead.
Kestrel: Sir…I’m afraid that hedgehog, Sonic, might get in the way.
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posted by Milesprowerfan
Co-op Play Imbedded. Player2 can easily come into play while Player1 is active. Hit start to come in. Make sure the numb-chuck is connected to the Wii remote at all times.

Game theme: “Real Life” - Aurora


Main Characters:

Sonic the Hedgehog - World’s fastest hedgehog. After mysteriously disappearing, he returns to find the world in disarray. He’s going to find out what exactly happened, and if he’ll ever be accepted in a world that doesn’t want him.

Lil the Cat - An agent for G.U.N.’s Imperial Reign, she’s beginning to rebel against her authorities, which ends up making...
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posted by Milesprowerfan
Note: Sorry I haven't been able to post. You see, I got swine flu, so I couldn't get online. I'm better now. I'll post as often as I can, but nanowrimo began, so I'll be delayed. Oh well!


Tanomo*!” Amy called as she led Cream, followed by a fully recovered Cassidy, into the Martial Arts Center of Station Square. (*Tanomo is a typical greeting when entering a martial arts hall in Japanese.) “Wow! I didn't expect class to still be in session!” Students all around, in rows of 12, stood practicing blocks and punches modeled by Knuckles or Myzak, who stood at the front.

“Hey!” Knuckles...
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Fan Fiction Intro:
0. Cartoon Heroes - Aqua

Main Theme:
1. Quicken - Thousand Foot Krutch
Sonic's Themes:
2. Crashed (remix by Decoy) - Daughtry
3. Numb (Raindropz Bootleg Mix) - Linkin Park
Shadow's Themes:
4. I Am (All of Me) - Crush 40
5. Team Dark - Sonic Heroes
Knuckles's Themes:
6. Unknown from M.E. (SA2B Mix) - Sega
7. KungFu Fighting - Cee-Lo Green & Jack Black
Myzak's Theme:
8. What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts
Lil's Themes:
9. Bring Me to Life (DJ ALGEROTH Mix) - Evanescene
10. No Limit - Two Unlimited
11. Whispers in the Dark - Skillet
Lil's ipod.
12. Memory (Cats) - Barbara Streisand
13. You Don't...
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Scene Six: The King and Queen of Spades
Scene: Mystic Ruins. Dawn is breaking through the thick trees. Lil and Tails are still in the clearing where Lil fought Weed.

Sonic: HEY! There you are!
Lil and Tails: SONIC!
Lil: When Tazor went after you, I was so worried!
Tails: Oh man! It’s been forever since I’ve seen you! This ferret-
Lil: Weed.
Tails: Right. Weed showed up and began to attack my house and he, like, destroyed everything and, like, I was so scared! He kept on, like, asking me where you were and all, you know. I couldn’t tell him where you were because for all I knew you were gone...
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"Ti kolard zika Ramzi." The echidna lady bowed. Her ice-blue eyes seemed to gaze passed Knuckles as she stood upright again. "Taka nego zita?"

"What??" Knuckles shook his head to show he didn't understand. The echidna woman didn't seem to notice his gesture, so he answered. "Zika...Knuckles?" Something about her language was familiar, but he didn't quite understand.

Ramzi smiled. "You pronounce it wrong, oh echidna of the lost lands." She gazed passed him again. "You know the language, yet the words sound foreign in your mouth."

from The Misadventures Book 4, Temple of Dangers. Coming Summer 2010...
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“Am I in trouble?” Sonic’s voice was vague of emotion. His eyes, looking down at the table he was chained to, shown with anger.

“You think?” Lil was close to tears. She limped over to the table in the dark room. She had refused for two crutches, so the one scraped on the floor. “You don’t know how much time you’re going to spend in jail! I don’t think you even want to know!”

Sonic swore under his breath. All he wanted to do at that moment was to incinerate the table. Laser-vision hadn’t been acquired yet, unfortunately. He glared up to meet Lil’s sorrowful eyes.

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“Say what?” Lil shook her head. “Are you accusing me of keeping a criminal secret from the authorities?”

“Don’t lie to me, Black Cat.” Shadow felt his emotions grow hot. “I know you have connections with a male cat about my height, golden-yellow with red hair. I’ve seen you. Don’t tell me you’re afraid I might hurt him. I won’t, I swear to you that I won’t.”

“I just don’t like anything to do with ARK.” Lil felt like she had shrunk. “Okay, I’ll admit that I have connections with him. I broke off our relationship two years ago. I don’t know where he is or...
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The rush of wind flowing past his ears made Sonic feel alive again. Of course, he wasn't running at the speed of sound, exactly. He was just running faster than 60 miles an hour, because he had both Tails and Knuckles following him at 50 miles an hour.

"Feels like old times, huh?" Sonic called back. "Man! I'm unstoppable!"

"Just like old times." Knuckles rolled his eyes. "At least I have a life and a career! I'm not living in my mother's basement!"

"You don't even know your mom." Tails snapped. "Anyway, the Chaos Emerald locator says the emerald should be in that big abandoned skyscraper ahead...
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"You are such an idiot, Blue." Lil jotted something on her notepad. "Coming here, once a week, to get your license to run within city limits. You're reckless! It's insane to think that we're going to allow you to do that! You're a safety hazard to innocent bystanders! We do we even have this conversation, Blue!"

"My name is Sonic the Hedgehog." Sonic gritted his teeth. "S-O-N-I-C!" He sat in the swirly chair with his feet on the desk.

"Whatever." Lil snapped.

"You just gotta let me run again!" Sonic pleaded. "I mean, it's been years since I've done anything heroic or actually run at the speed...
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Her face lit up every memory of his existence. Dr. Gerald told her once everyday that he loved her.

Myzak spat. Once the machine was finished, he'd get rid of Dr. Gerald once and for all. "It's a livin' heck." He kept telling himself. All he needed was a chaos emerald, and it'd be done. How to acquire the chaos emerald was the problem...but not for long...

His computer blinked. SYNTOMS FOUND. He began to scroll. "Dissociative amnesia, formerly called psychogenic amnesia, is one of a group of conditions called dissociative disorders. Dissociative disorders are mental illnesses that involve...
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The Misadventures Book One: The Misadventures of a Wandering Soul: A "Space Opera Cereal" set in the Sonic Universe

Note: HellO! Welcome. It's gonna take forever to just post each part, since I started on the Sonic Fan Charactes Club. I've updated Part One too, so it doesn't start the same.


"You can't fall asleep, Lil, girl." Lil repeated over and over, staring at her paperwork. "You CAN'T fall asleep! You've worked too hard to become Chief Inspector for the police! You CAN'T FAIL now!"

The alarms were what caught Lil off guard. She spun around. "Where are we?" She asked no one. The last...
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When Diva returned home, she saw one of her old friends sitting out side on the steps. It was her old friend Lil! "Hi..." She greeted "Hi Diva!" Lil replied. "I haven't seen you sence... what... elametry school?" Lil asked, "I geuss..." Diva replied, she was qiut because she thought Lil had gone off on so many adventures (or misadventures) that she didn't have the right time. Diva kinda wished she was like Lil, adventures, braver, and more happy! Diva promest her self that she wouldn't smile until she was married, which she doubted would hapen! Why, because before her father went out to his last war he said "When I come back, I bet you'll be married since your so pretty!". Diva then just stopped talking. Lil just sat there and smiled "Diva... I'm wondering... have you smiled yet?" She asked, "...No..." was Diva's reply.

~too be concluded