Tigers Curse Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 13

dogsrock200 said …
Love the book Posted over a year ago
tigerlover12359 said …
I can't wait for tiger dream! Posted over a year ago
minen0w said …
People hear this there's supposed to be a fifth tigers curse! No kidding! It's called tigers dream and I don't know what's its about not in the slightest Posted over a year ago
sheenstar said …
also has anyone heard of alice in zombieland LOVE IT LOVE IT Posted over a year ago
sheenstar said …
EEK EKKE KEKEKEKEKE THERES A BOOK 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ren i think he an kelsey are meant to be, in book 4 i love it an thought it was awsome, poor ren got hurt so much, kishin is cool but ren is like the poet an kishin is like the fighter, i dk how to say it u knoiw? i love both an so long as kelsey is happy idc, Posted over a year ago
Kelsey_Hayes said …
Tiger's Curse is the best,but I want the other 3 and I love Ren and Kishan,hopefully Kishan and Helsey kiss in the next book cause that would be awesome.Kishhan is so sweet and Ren was a ass in some chapters of the first one but then he's sweet too but i get mad at him most times Posted over a year ago
sheenstar commented…
true true he does act like a jerk, however kelsey is just as selfish an mean, u know?? there were times kishin was a jerek too, heck the only people i k who werent jerks were kandam an nilma, love these people over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy said …
i lov the book its good but ren can be a ass sometimes n kishan is sweet.like kishan or ren better? Posted over a year ago
elliejelly666 commented…
I'm a Ren fan. I liked Kishan but he just seems too selfish for me, I know a lot of people don't see it because they like him more, but really he is. And people say that Ren was an ass but, he was in pain, he was confused, and he was lonely. I forgave him straight away. over a year ago
sheenstar said …
OH MY GOD!!!! I JUST FINISHED BOOK 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM IN LOVE WITH IT AHHHHHHHH, to Tiger curse fans!!!! u will laugh, cry, dance, scream an go nuts for book 4, i finished it in less then a day.....GRR NOW I WANT another book, i hope theres a book 5, please PLEASE comment me back about this story Posted over a year ago
elliejelly666 commented…
I finished it last night! Please tell me you prefer Ren over Kishan? Everyone prefer's Kishan and I'm a Ren fan so I feel kinda lonely lol. I think I cried with happiness for like the last two or three chapters non stop. LOVED IT! over a year ago
sheenstar commented…
LOL im SOOOOO happy u replied because No one replies to me EVER so that so made my day, i AM indeed a ren fan cause i just love how he acts in the story, an i made a few quizes on here lol. also, i think he an keleay are a perfect match, but i wish they had another brother haha, one ren an kelsey, kishin an ana(even though i hate her) an then brother number 3 for me ^_^ lol, i wannna boyfriend >_< why are the best guys the ones in books darn it...when i finish a tiger series book i just SCREAM, why cant that be me lol and then i just reread the book alll over again an again lol, i know book one 2 3 by heart an i got a good idea about 4 now thnx a bunch an reply back when u get the chance over a year ago
sheenstar said …
if i was in kelseys shoes i dont know wat id do u know? we all can see kelsey and Ren have made mistakes and that just shows that despite the magic and mystic mumbo jumbo th are human and arent perfect. personaly i think both ren and kishin are awsome and though i prefere the ren/kelsey couple i wouldnt mind kishin/kelsey...i just wish i could be in that story, kelsey chooses her love and i get the other brother, and i know im not the only person who thinks this am i right?? darn kelsey, lucky Posted over a year ago
18wanda said …
Does anyoen think the constant love traingle battle gets a litle old? Can't Kelssey just make up her mind? Posted over a year ago
NyghtHaven commented…
I have to agree with you on love triangles. Honestly I love the series alot but it's alot like vampire diaries. The main character likes both brothers etc etc. I wish the'd make something different for a change. :P over a year ago
sheenstar commented…
i know a lotts books where theres a love triangle, as juicy as it is i agree it is boring but sadly i now know wat the main girls character is goin through cause like 4 guys wanna go out with me >_<' but like kelsey i hope to find my happy ending, cause most times the love triangles are either tragities or happy endings, over a year ago
Raven-chan said …
I like Kishan better!!! I LOVE him!!!! The other thousands of girls who read this book would probablay like ren better. I guess it depends on which guy personality you prefer..... Posted over a year ago
alejpatv commented…
Sorry sister, but Ren can beat Kishans sassy butt any day... over a year ago
18wanda commented…
OOOH we got a debate! I vote Kishan. over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
Well I'm for Ren! over a year ago
PucksLady commented…
TEAM REN FOREVER!!!!! over a year ago
lepeordclaw said …
i love this book and ren does sound rather handsome and sweat i love REN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
silverstream101 commented…
Ya i had to make the spot cuz no one else did! i was shocked! its such a good book!!! over a year ago
lepeordclaw commented…
ikr over a year ago
silverstream101 commented…
ya i cdant wait till i get Tigersvoyage from the library!! over a year ago
friendlyghost17 said …
best book i've ever read. team Ren! Posted over a year ago