tortoises and other reptiles!!! Wall

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Momaw said …
I had a pet lizerd named thunder. He was born with a bent tail. But i would like a tortious. Posted over a year ago
dizzydiscgirl said …
:( its very busy this place, isn't it... *sigh* Posted over a year ago
dizzydiscgirl said …
omg i was in a pet shop today, and i saw this poor little tortoise in such a state, it had pyramiding, an over grown beak and it was blowing bubbles from its nose D': it makes me sick to think that a pet shop owner would even let it get IN that state, nevermind try to sell it!!!!!!! D-:<
SOME PEOPLE MAKE ME SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
dragonchick commented…
some people should never be let anywhere NEAR animals >:( over a year ago
dizzydiscgirl commented…
Exactly! over a year ago
1happybunny commented…
omg thats well horrible poor tortoise over a year ago
dizzydiscgirl said …
Welcome!!!!! Comment on this answer if you own a tortoise!!!!! Posted over a year ago
dizzydiscgirl commented…
Yay I own 2 they're called kochanski and lister ;D!!!!! over a year ago
Momaw commented…
Cool over a year ago