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HOW TO: Get More Notes on Tumblr

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called How To: Get More Notes on Tumblr – Digital Strategies + Design
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
I\'m on a mission to make the Internet more human. Join me.
Today, I’m sharing tips to get more notes on
— one of my favorite social media sites here at Tumblr is a micro-blogging site that caters to visual content — especially photography and design — and short-form posts.
One of the best things about Tumblr is that you can have a well-designed blog up and running within minutes. And
if you’re trying to reach an audience ages 18-34, Tumblr is a great place to engage with them, considering that demographic accounts for nearly half of its 100 million users.
In Tumblr, there is no public follower count. Instead, the emphasis is on Notes — Likes (good) and Reblogs (better). Likes are bookmarked (often not publicly) on a user’s Tumblr while Reblogs are shared on a user’s Tumblr and appear on the Dashboard — the Tumblr Feed — of their followers.
Here are three steps to help you get more Notes and expand your reach on Tumblr.
1.) Have a clear content strategy and publish great stuff. First, decide what type of content you’ll post. Then, make it really, really good. Your Tumblr can be devoted to your original work or curate things that inspire you. Or it can be a hybrid of both, which is what we recommend. On my Uncommonville
we focus on publishing content that inspires people to work and live remarkably. It’s broad enough to give us freedom in what we post but also provides a focus for our content — everything revolves around that central concept, whether it’s a quote (we post a lot of those), photography or a short essay. We share our own creations as well as things we find online that inspire us.
to see popular Tags (Tumblr’s system of categorizing topics across the site).
Tumblr Etiquette: Be a good citizen of the online world and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS give proper source credit if the content isn’t yours (we do this by linking to the source in the caption).
2). Publish your best content during peak traffic times. Tumblr traffic peaks Sunday, Monday and Tuesday between 7pm and 10pm EST and on Friday nights.* (Considering the 18-34 user demographic, this should come as no surprise.) So, post 1-5 times every day (starting after 4pm) and publish your best content during peak those traffic times. Take advantage of the scheduling features in the Tumblr Dashboard and queue up posts in advance so that you can publish consistently.
Tagging your posts is the number one way to be found on Tumblr when you’re first starting out and don’t yet have a lot of followers to repost your content. Always tag your posts but be relevant (never, ever Spam!). And use multiple tags from across categories to help users find you better. Not sure what tags to use? Use the
page on Tumblr to see an updated list of popular Tags.
Work through the three steps outlined and track your success (and any patterns) in getting more Notes over the next 4 weeks. Here’s some questions to ask along the way that will help you refine your content strategy.
What types of posts (photography, quotes, short-form text posts) received the most Notes?
When (day & time) did your posts receive the most Notes?
What tags were used on the posts with the most Notes?
Do you have a Tumblr? Share it in the comments below. Then report back and let us know how you’ve done!
*Tumblr traffic statistics can be found in this 2012
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Hey everyone. Thanks for the tips. Since you asked, here’s my tumblr:
Great blog, Aaron. Enjoy your writing style very much. Keep at it! — Sarah
Thanks for the help! Just got a Tumblr, and I have absolutely no notes on anything. Help me get more followers PLEASE?
Here’s mine I’m posting my photography and professional digital artworks (under the category photo manipulations). Thanks for the help and tips!
Very nice, Sara. You’re very talented! Tumblr’s the perfect place to show off your photography skills. Good luck! — Sarah
Here is some images from my work.. I love all styles melancholic and horror. Please be aware of this before looking. I believe their can be such beauty in dark imagery 🙂 hope you like
Here’s mine it’s very funny disney gifs
Hey! I am very new to Tumblr. So I will make changes soon. Thnx!
Hi Sarah, thanks for this article. Union Metrics did a Tumblr traffic statistics too but I’m not sure how accurate that is. Anywho, I’m new to Tumblr, and here is my link: I post really funny videos and just random funny crap 😀
Yeeeeeah I just post what I like. I’m aware of my fellow Tumblrs and appreciate their likes/reblogs, but I’m far too self-centered to alter my posting habits to gain more notes. My follower count continues to rise though, strange. Thanks for the tips.
Funny, Sexy, Chic Sh*t right here people
My blog is really just for me to post my (very amateurish) photography using either my fuji x100s or iphone. Lots of things get my attention and being a Gemini, my character trait has me liking all sorts of things at various times depending on how I feel that day! So maybe my blog can be a bit confusing as to what it’s about. Will have to rethink it some more. Thanks for the tips.
Just an amateur photograph, hopefully soon I can expose my designs to the world
I’m just starting out on this blog that I post pictures of the clothes I have up-cycled or made. Check me out. 🙂 I always follow back no matter what ^^ I always follow my new friends. Check me out at least.
Hi, here’s mine I only post my ilustrations and photographies. Thanks
here’s my art blog~ -I draw a mix of fanart and original characters, thanks for looking!
Just starting out, will definitely follow back! – my personal Tumblr, where there’s currently a giveaway for my jewellery shop!
my tumblr is I post lot’s of physics related stuff, as well as cats. I enjoy cats. Please follow me I’m lonely and have 0 followers.
On the tags thing, I’ve read somewhere (I believe from the Staff tumblr) that only the first 5 tags on a post are used for explore / search purposes. If it’s true, it wouldn’t be out of place to advise people to put the most popular tags first. Just in case. Most of my posts are BASTILLE and also a little bit TATTOO. Please follow me and give me more notes for my GIFs and everything. If you’re interested you can follow me >< i just started using tumblr and i’m posting pictures i find interesting and inspiring. Please come check me out and give a comment on what you think :)) I post stuff about kpop (mostly related to yg family) silly/sexy pics I take of my girlfriend. “I don’t care. You won’t get any followers anyway.” Challenge accepted. NSFW – vibrant illustration & artwork, check it out please! 🙂 Small blog with a selection of my artwork 🙂 feedback is more than welcome I always follow back! 🙂 My blog is mostly about me and my 2 girlfriends, we are in a poly relationship 🙂 It’s not a very common thing and a lot of people enjoy getting to know about our relationship.
Here’s my Tumblr: – I’m going to try these methods out…thanks for posting
i have two, they are both NSFW. They include selfies that were given to me by Ex-gf’s and some friends on the net. I follow back similar. I need to try these tips, hopefully they work xx
Just started out, help me out? I’ll follow back 🙂
I’ve had an account for a while but I gave up a long time ago because I couldn’t get it to kick off! I have an instagram photography account that does well but Tumblr doesn’t seem to like me. I post a mix of my own photography and quotes and reblog others that interest me. Check me out 🙂 Photography and art of mine and others. My opinion on current events and pop culture. Recommended songs and artists. I also follow back.
cool things about designs and art >>>
I always follow back..if i don’t follow you.. you will unfollow me (my main blog. contains most of what i post.) (My new blog. trying to get it started up. This is a bog dedicated to getting the word out about my online girl scout cookie sales. I REALLY NEED SOME FOLLOWERS TO GET THE WORD OUT. PLEASE. It would really help and i would be so thankful) just posting things I love about life xx Exploring dream symbols and the dream experience. I follow back… Note for Note, Always. New on Tumblr, looking to make connections and have positive interactions. BB my friend and I post YouTube stuff. Just got started so feel free to help us out. Thanks Surreal photography and art (no nudity), including my own surrealist work:
Funny Sexy Chic shit. You’re Welcome posts about bisexuality, sad & funny things
My blog is 🙂 hope you come check it out, I’d really appreciate it! <—— fashion images & quotes.
always follow back if similar post <3 always follow back. Check me out at least. following back always! My blog is more of a photography and art blog, all content are mine though! 🙂
If you get my url you should follow me, and maybe i’ll follow you back 🙂
follow me and ill deffinitely follow back :)) like/reblog this please ^ ♡ thanks! i’m following back only fashion blog,girly blog and almost everything but porn 🙂
might help if you change your theme just seems bit messy and annoying..
i think i suck at photography it put # on all my pics and never get a like or a note
latest mens fashion and lifestyle with lots of expensive goods!
I have two tumblrs – for my photography + photoshoppery + surreal collage, and Owls and Polygons because I love owls to pieces. All I do over there is reblog owl-related photos and art.
I follow a hell of a lot more blogs than follow me (approx. 3 times as many) because that’s just how great Tumblr is. Whenever my inspiration needs a shot in the arm, Tumblr is my go-to place.
I’m a new blogger on tumblr and I going to become a youtuber. I’m super friendly and love to talk to people on tumblr, and I follow back! (: x i reblog cat pictures, architecture, art, popular culture, nature, tattoos, coffee pictures… haha and also post original art from time to time :] – original photography & drawings ♥ 🙂
Hi, my blog is a collection of movie reviews I personally make. Happy reading! 🙂
cats, models, beautiful scenery and disney 🙂
i always follow back , follow me and you will see it always following back 🙂 cheers
Please follow me trying to gain followers i will follow back.
I’m new on tumblr. follow me , i’ll follow back.
17 y/o, florida girl, travel, fun, cute animals, summer, etc
This is my ART BLOG 🙂 feel free to check the insides of my sketchbook as i awaken to my dream of becoming a concept artist…one day!
please follow me, nmiklas, photoblogging and I will follow back
please follow everything citrine (that’s me) and i promise to follow back.
Hey guys! I don’t mean to be that one person, but I just started Tumblr today and I would be so so honored if you would like some of my pictures! I post DIY, cute and funny quotes, and requests given by followers! I always follow back as well. My username is @maggieluvsdance thanks so much for reading my comment and have a blessed day!
I recently started my blog, it’s entertaining top 10 lists and rankings of various categories. For best experience (full navigation and menus), visit me at I usually follow back, only not if its explicit content as I don’t like NSFW. Feel free to visit feel free to follow I’ll followback!! follow me and I’ll follow you back I always do.
I’m an author working on growing my online presence via Tumblr. My book ‘The REZ’s EDGE’ is about a boy in 8th grade living near the reservation that has his father killed by an Indian man in an automobile accident. I post American Indian and Nature Pictures, Quotes, and excerpts from my Novel along with pictures that represent the Ideas conveyed in the writing. This is being done before the Novel is even published. I’m very close to finishing the book at this point.
If anyone can provide other ideas to increase my Tumblr reach and number of Followers, your advice would be greatly appreciated.
– – He has her wrists pinned together in one hand and her hair in the other. He drags her, screaming, to a nearby pine, pulls velvet skinned arms around rough hewn bark and lashes her wrists together.
– from – ‘The REZ’s EDGE’ – “Destruction & Redemption” by author/writer Brad Jensen
Watch for the Novel/Book release date here: or here:
“FOLLOW ME… for killer pictures, excerpts, quotes, and more! Shoot me a Note by hitting the Arrowhead. Cheers!”
Follow me on tumblr please :)) @hopefully-bliss (I follow back) is my blog, my theme is dark/pale/grunge and i post original photos too. follow me and I’ll follow you back I always do.
Learn more about the human body here with fantastic visualization!
Please visit our new blog 😀 We we will follow you back. a great source of famous quotations, sayings, status that you will enjoy liking, rebloging…and THEY ALWAYS FOLLOW BACK AND LIKE your content also!!
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