Uther/Morgana Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 47

BAMFqueen said …
HOT couple Posted over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX said …
You guys are so damn stubborn!! Posted over a year ago
Praline commented…
sorry over a year ago
xoxoME commented…
i noticed too :d over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
but it´spointless to get steamed up by such a thing because a) it´s not the truth and we all know that and b) it´s only a television show, not real. Stroppy comments are not our thing. Remember that! over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX said …
The troll is not active all the time and only in certain votings, which doesn´t mean it isn´t horrible. But it´s not enough that it really annoys somebody except of us, meaning there´s not much we can do. The accounts we knew about have been reported.
We can just hope and wait now for everything to become normal again.
If you have any ideas or wishes don´t hesitate to tell me.

Yours 4ever <3
Hanna Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
ok, thank you darling over a year ago
xoxoME commented…
so we slowly return to the spot again? over a year ago
MorganaRocks said …
Hey lovely Uthganas
I know this troll thing is horrible and that you seem to be the ones to always get the bashing. sorry for this. just wanted you to know that Im on your side in all of this. I know Im just since a month on fanpop but I think I chose the right side.
read all the wall because of the previous troll and I feel bad for you. you are honestly nice people especially your queen (btw: XxxFUMMxxX write me when your back!)
keep smiling
your Olivia (Oliv) Posted over a year ago
Yeez commented…
tks so much. It´´s so nice to hear that. so you know we have very bad prehistory already. I hoped that our image reformed since we got so many compliments in your awesome fandom votings. not sure about this anymore. thank you again Oliv over a year ago
perixx commented…
Thankyou. *gosh i´m so nervous* never had such an encounter before. Do we have to worry? i mean its an Armor troll! over a year ago
Cryda commented…
ok guys. I´m sorry for my bad mood. I dont wanna pull you down with it so Ill just go to bed. see ya tomorrow. bye and good night over a year ago
Cryda said …
as the surrogate of Uthgana kingdom I tell you to ignore and close your eyes OR LEAVE THE SPOT and stop complaining about the troll. This one is not scared at all when it is discovered.
let´s discuss this problem on our spot. the fans here are not interested in our "enemy" and can´t be bothered with our complaints.

thank you
Princess Cryda 1st Posted over a year ago
perixx commented…
alright :) over a year ago
HoneyHead commented…
pity Im not long on fanpop over a year ago
Cryda commented…
maybe just for 5 min. I don´t want her to have worries for the next week while she can´t fully be here over a year ago
Praline said …
We have to do something. There is a Armor troll defo!! and it´s totally against Tony/Uther/Uthgana. so annoying. Posted over a year ago
Yeez commented…
:( but what? over a year ago
Cryda commented…
... over a year ago
Cryda commented…
^^thank you :( over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX said …
Hi my dearies,
I guess some of you already heard about the troll on the Merlin BBC spot. This time the troll is AGAINST Uthgana and its fandom. It´s not so severe yet, but who knows how it will develop. An Armor fan is under a cloud (of course no one can be blamed for sure!!)
I would just beg you to tell me, if anyone sees something strange or things that look like troll activity.
Thank you <3
For longlive fun and peace on the spot.
Queen Hanna 1st Posted over a year ago
Yeez commented…
thank you <3 of course I will over a year ago
HoneyHead commented…
Qeen Hanna 1st rofl. sure we will over a year ago
Praline commented…
lol over a year ago
Hodil said …
Hi what´s up?? Posted over a year ago
Uthgana commented…
hi Susann. Im fine, what about you? over a year ago
Rust commented…
haha is this our new year reunion? welcome back all of you over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
nice to see you all again! <333 over a year ago
Uthgana said …
welcome back guys Posted over a year ago
Vax commented…
thank you over a year ago
Uther666 commented…
thanks over a year ago
ThornT said …
the reason coul also be that most of us didn´t watch the series since his death, remember: link Posted over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
and you really ddiin´t watch - respect! I would have wanted to know what happens next. over a year ago
ThornT commented…
yep! and was it worth watching? over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
not really over a year ago
ThornT commented…
see over a year ago
big smile
Cryda said …
just noticed that we weren´t active through the whole season 4 Posted over a year ago
Uthgana commented…
damn right! like a summer paue XD over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
maybe we were all a bit petrified since Uther....*sobs* over a year ago
Hodil commented…
great that I didn´t miss anything over a year ago
Articuno224 said …
Lol I thought this was their Daughter/Father relationship Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
yeah, we like to ignore that fact over a year ago
Articuno224 commented…
so it is meant to be their daughter/father relationship or what? Because I do like that, but I can't see how Uther and Morgana could be together when they are soo different in age sorry over a year ago
Cryda commented…
cool that´s great! over a year ago
KnightOfaTable said …
I´m not shipping Uthgana, but I love you guys Posted over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX commented…
awww Wel love you too <3 over a year ago
Cryda commented…
love you so much <3 over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX said …
Hello guys! It seems I´m back. The service of fanpop is really shit. I´m waiting for 3 days now for an answer to my mail and got nothing. I´m sick of waiting.
I thank you all for supporting me and all the nice things you said (special thanks to Praline for making a new account for me). You guys mean the world to me, you´re the only good thing about fanpop. 1000000x thanks and I LOVE YOU ALL VERY VERY MUCH!!! <3<3<3 Posted over a year ago
KizTheRain commented…
so sorry that you lost all your hundreds of fans and props AND 23 MEDALS!! Tat must be very depressing. I will do all I can to help you. WELCOME BACK over a year ago
Uther666 commented…
adfgbjzdbfdr :P over a year ago
Uthgana commented…
i´m goin totally crazy right now :DDD over a year ago
ASHsexy said …
ok guys I´m sitting right next to her. If someone has questions go to her club where the discussion takes place! Posted over a year ago
Vax said …
Why doesn´t she register again then? Maybe another E-Mail and Username?? :( Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
She said: "because it says in big red letters: DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT!" and she fears the consequences. Besides it makes her predominently sad that she lost 23 medals. Just image how hard you have to work for 23 MEDALS!!! Well I can´t . I tmust be really awful! but we want you back anyway :( over a year ago
T-cup commented…
oh sweety :( 23 MEDALS *dreams* unbelievable That´s hell ofa work! over a year ago
Uther666 said …
we all love and need you Posted over a year ago
Uthgana said …
Cryda commented…
yes, plz come back! :( over a year ago
T-cup commented…
Cryda said …
KnightOfaTable commented…
that´s irony. You guys just dicussed that you can´t live on this spot without her and know you have to but not just on this sopt but on whole fanpop. :( over a year ago
Cryda commented…
true SCREW FANPOP over a year ago
Uthgana commented…
No this can´t be real! our leader can´t be gone over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
I don´t think I want to ship them anymore. What Morgana did today hurt so much. Posted over a year ago
T-cup commented…
it was heartberaking over a year ago
Yoshim commented…
nooo our best shipper!! You can´t do that :( over a year ago
KnightOfaTable commented…
Uthgana shippers apparently cannot live without you XD over a year ago
Cryda commented…
absolutely you´re our leader <3 over a year ago
weirdos said …
vote for uther/morgana:
ttp://www.fanpop.com/spots/arthur-and-morgana/picks/results/834448/arthur-dies-who-all-ship-morgana-with Posted over a year ago
ThornT commented…
thanks over a year ago
Kantony commented…
haven´t noticed this till now, thank you over a year ago
Cryda said …
hey my loves XD
read the wall on the main?
someone´s comlplaining bout too much Arwen on the spot LOL Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
I had the feeling too. Didn´t I say that in the discussion about Uthgana over there? over a year ago
Cryda commented…
I think you did yeah! MAYBE ARWEN TROLLS LOOOL over a year ago
Yoshim commented…
both is too much to stand the spot XD rofl over a year ago
Uthgana said …
I don´t think i´m gonna watch Merlin either. Uther was the only reason why I started watching it and is the only to the keep me watching. Why should watch further? Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
In fact he was the only reason I started watching too. hhmm ok I´ll tell you if something interesting happens then XD over a year ago
Uthgana commented…
thanks very much *hug over a year ago
Cryda commented…
ahh oohh well! Should we make a pick or what? Hana would you? over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
ok over a year ago
Cryda said …
Oh my god my Uthie is going to die for sure after Naima´s article AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH *I´m cryig a bit right ya know* Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
oh honey! *hugs* He has to, we all knew it from the start. over a year ago
Cryda commented…
I know, but I can´t stand it. THAT IS SO F***** SAD!! Not sure i´m gonna watch Merlin further. :( over a year ago
Cryda commented…
I dunno really, it could be getting bored here or we all start writing fanfics. over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
@troll: You don´t have to go away ok? You can stay but with only one account. Write my a private message whatever your main account is, so it isn´t revealed and we can clear up once and for all. :D Posted over a year ago
heartmerlin2 commented…
:) over a year ago
big smile
Praline said …
PEOPLE!!!! Look at our club number. It dropped like hell Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
The Morgana, Katie/Tony and Uther clubs fell rapidly as well. So are the fakes deleted? over a year ago
Gonga commented…
time for HOORAY? over a year ago
Cryda commented…
that must be round 40 users over a year ago
ASHsexy said …
Yeehaw! I´m getting spammed by trolls XD Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
I told you to be nice :) over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
Err...another thing guys :/ did some of undo picks on the general spot? Posted over a year ago
ASHsexy commented…
oh yes!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Gouldingi commented…
guilty Xd over a year ago
hsfw commented…
maybe a little :P over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
you´re very stubborn, know this? XD over a year ago
heartmerlin2 said …
I don't want an arguement, I just want to ask;
I am an fond ArWen shipper, I'm a fan of most, if not all Merlin related clubs, I don't ship Uther/Morgana romanticly, but I love the relationship they do/did have, I only have one account and I don't like the conflict between all the fans. Am I allowed to be a fan on this spot or should I leave? I'm so confused. Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
of course you´re allowed like everyone else. We´re all a bit confused right now, since we´re sure of a troll presence. We discovered some of its accounts and are now trying to talk to it. Hopefully there will be peace in a few days! ;) over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
thanks for supporting :D over a year ago
heartmerlin2 commented…
Glad to help. :) over a year ago
ASHsexy said …
PISS OFF TROLL Posted over a year ago
hsfw commented…
don´t be so rude! over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
ash that´s really enough bashing for the last days! over a year ago
Napy said …
last question about the unpopular issue (forgive me :() shall we pick for the rivals/other competitioners now? Posted over a year ago
Isanan commented…
Simply dont´vote at all over a year ago
Mirrors commented…
Uther will now be on the last place in every single pick! You know this guys, don´t you? over a year ago
Napy commented…
sounds like club wars ... over a year ago
CarnivalOfRust said …
I´m just wanted to say helo. I´m new on fanpop, but it seem like it bad timeing. Posted over a year ago
LiottaR commented…
WELCOME :) It isn´t as bad as it seems, but be careful when you´re on the BBC Merlin spot! Have fun here over a year ago
CarnivalOfRust commented…
thanks over a year ago
Gouldingi commented…
hello there XD it´s not the best time. Still it´s nice here, enjoy over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
hi over a year ago
Cryda said …
Hello people, all listen to me. This is important! If you´re a troll please go away!!!!!!! For what do you need this. We are enough Uther/Morgana fans. You´re making more problems than any good! Please, please, please Posted over a year ago
ASHsexy commented…
wow, how do we know it works? over a year ago
Cryda commented…
dunno_ watching the BBC spot more closely? over a year ago
TheEmberthorn said …
Look at my future vision: link read my comment which is three months old Posted over a year ago
Wichy8 commented…
So you think they´re plotting? that´s nonsense you know! over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Amy :( not you too. over a year ago
PotCa commented…
It´s not fair from the other :/ over a year ago
Aember said …
Where´s the party? Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
it´s grieving party! you´re supposed to go to bed and cry! over a year ago
Aember commented…
Great - so you´re all going to be in a bad mood because of the other spot? than call me when you´re done, I´ll take some free days of fanpop! over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Good idea, maybe we should al take a rest ... good night lovely Uthgana fans, have beutiful dreams about these two BYE over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
Damnit, I can´t sleep because of that troll stuff! Posted over a year ago
Riston commented…
maybe there is one? over a year ago
Wichy8 commented…
Why aren´t the other saying anythiny about this? over a year ago
DanRy commented…
fr my part everyting is said and this subject is geting on my nerves over a year ago
FaceBoy said …
Hey we need more guys to chat about the losers in the related spot!!! Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
dont´ say that, 99 % of them are great over a year ago
Gouldingi commented…
stuff bout Gwaine, but I deleted it! over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
at least something :/ over a year ago
ALance said …
So we´re just here now? Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
appearantly :( over a year ago
BrunoSnick said …
Hey guys, they are trolling us on the Merlin spot! Posted over a year ago
ASHsexy commented…
who cares, let them say what they want. We have our spot here and let´s just have fun ok? Shall they make whatever they want! @XxFUMMxX, see I told you! over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Yes, I see it. Sorry, but I just thought it´d be better if you guys were mor active on the official spot - obviously I was wrong! over a year ago
big smile
XxFUMMxX said …
join the Katie&Tony spot Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
I wonder why no one made an Uther/Morgana club before when there are sooo many fans!? Posted over a year ago
Cryda commented…
They don´t seem to be very active at all! Only pickers XD No wonder the guys on Merlin BBc spot think there´s a troll. over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Yeah seems so! And waht the heck is a troll? over a year ago
Cryda commented…
I pm it to you XD over a year ago
Bene4 said …
Hi guys,
you may have noticed I´m not really an Uther/Morgana fan, but this spot is really nice :) Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
That´s really ok. The main thing is that you feel comfortable here:D over a year ago
Cryda commented…
Yes, we´re all nice people and no psychos (well, not all of us XD) over a year ago
Bene4 commented…
good to know LOL thanks over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
yes, the only one with brain damage is Cryda XD over a year ago
XxFUMMxX said …
to all Buffy/Giles fans: link Posted over a year ago
Aember commented…
It´s so easy to become a fan of you *hugs* over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
aww...you´re so sweet *blushes* over a year ago
big smile
Hinkers said …
Hello together Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Hi, what´s up? over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
Thanks for joining :) over a year ago
Hinkers commented…
PM over a year ago
Cryda commented…
Welcome XD over a year ago
Uther666 said …
Gosh hun, are you online all the time? Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
I try to. When my boss isn´t around, I come here every 5 minutes, I have to take care of my lovely, lovely club! over a year ago
Cryda commented…
you´re evil! LOL over a year ago
hsfw said …
great club. luv you <3 Posted over a year ago
XxFUMMxX commented…
luv you too XD over a year ago
Cryda commented…
and who loves me? :P over a year ago
Gingerheart commented…
rofl - GIRLS STOP CRYING :) over a year ago
Cryda said …
Yuhu, finally an Uther/Morgana club! thanks
beautiful banner!! Posted over a year ago