Warrior Cats: Fire Willow Wall

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warrior_kit14 said …
(Part 2)

The chapters will either get shorter or longer now that the introductory(hey! This is one of my spelling words!) chapters are finished.

I hope you huys stick through this with me!! :D

Thanks to Dovemoon most of all. You really have helped me out! Posted over a year ago
Dovemoon commented…
I'm always glad to help! :) over a year ago
warrior_kit14 said …
When shall I update?(part1)
Mostly during the school days. I got on the computer almost everyday during school. I have had a lot of homework to catch up on so lately I have only been able to get on after school. I believe the next update will be between tomorrow and Sunday (It is Wednesday today).

After school I am usually doing absolutely nothing except trying to update my stories on various sites. This story is the third on my list to update so it won't take long to update.

Posted over a year ago