My Wall

whatsupbugs gave me props for my comments
I miss you. Posted 3 months ago
luminousshams gave me props for my videos
Heya Jay !
What up?? Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
If you happen to stumble back around here.. Thanks for the good old times friends.
I'm leaving, well, i already left, about a year ago, but i wanted to make a proper note to say it. I'm doing well, learning and growing and hope you all will too.
This is your pal Jay, saying goodbye X Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs gave me props for my comments
Hi. It's been a while since I've heard from you. I hope you're doing well. I wish you the best. Posted over a year ago
HarryB_123 said …
Jay I Fucking miss u 😢😢 Posted over a year ago
Nuri__ commented…
Me too very much. over a year ago
whatsupbugs gave me props for my comments
I hope you have an amazing day. Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs gave me props for my images
Thank you for being kind and generous. Posted over a year ago
Having the band back is weird pal! I’m pretty lost with all the Wiccan and dark sor5 of things they keep using symbols from XD Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said about The 00's
It’s so weird to think that MCR is back.. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said about Random
What’s everyone’s opinion on anarchism? Non-violence, constructive anarchy. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Why no violence tho? Isn't that the fun part? Find freedom in the carnage, the world will embrace chaos! Reject the delusion of control. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Nice in thought but would never actually work over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
It wouldn't work. Fundamentally humans as a whole need rules. Now whether you skim the lines of rules or you use rules as something to be bent or altered or otherwise. The simple fact is without rules there wouldn't be any order. And without order it'll just be every man for themselves and with that chaos wouldn't give birth to a prospering society. Even if it is a non violence constructive anarchy political viewpoint. Not everyone in the society would be peaceful because everyone has their own ideas of what suitable for every style of government or ideology so anarchism well it might be romanticized it would not work in real life. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
*slams fists on table* Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy! over a year ago