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Dancin4evah said …
Guys, the Marvel fandom is calling me... Posted over a year ago
big smile
gwendiamond gave me props for my images
Thx 4 adding me back! Can you plz join my club?
Thx!! Posted over a year ago
*When Blood of Olympus is out, and I've read it* -- Hi, see ya'll in intensive therapy... Posted over a year ago
Do you think Jason will hit his head again? Eighty-three percent of the fans said yes . . . and I was like, "totally . . . " Posted over a year ago
Dancin4evah said …
NOOOO WADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
I wasn't going to watch the second movie in The Hobbit trilogy, but it's got some people from Lord of the Rings in it, so now I am going to watch it when it comes out. Posted over a year ago
LokiLover678 commented…
ya im with you. it looks like it might be good. over a year ago
MermaidTale2 commented…
It's amazing. But not better than LotR. I watched it twice over a year ago
That awkward moment you realize Will Turner is also an Elf . . . In Lord of the Rings, and he has some reeeaaallyyy cheesy lines. Posted over a year ago
HermionePiper commented…
Yep.......................... and he's blond over a year ago
Sel256 commented…
And his name is Orlando Bloom over a year ago
Plus, I was so surprised when I saw that the Phelps twins really had brown hair, not red. I almost fell out of my seat. Posted over a year ago
The Fred dying scene in the movie made me bawl. HOW COULD YOU KILL FRED, JK ROWLING, HE WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!! Posted over a year ago
dawn2003 commented…
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago has a few decent ones. I'm writing one on there myself. Posted over a year ago
cass_18 commented…
I'm addicted to that website follow me at cassandra_188 over a year ago