My Wall

GenesisEvo said about Birdo
You know, I do not like a club that's been deserted for so long. I've may have been complaining about this too much... Posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
I are what you mean. This club WILL NOT die out! not if I have anything to say about it. I just gotta get a new phone is all and I betcha Birdo's club will be as active as ever when I do! and I will not let her down!! who's with me?! over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Birdo
Good news. I've just found out that Birdo is going to be a playable character for the upcoming Mario Golf game. I'll be definitely getting this game in early May. Posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
YESSSSSS!!! she DESERVED IT!! over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
YESSSSSS!!! she DESERVED IT!! over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Birdo
170+ fans. This club is starting to get some buzz. Posted over a year ago
GenesisEvo commented…
Nope, spoke too soon. It's gone dead quiet again... over a year ago
Sugarbaby15 commented…
Right over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
I know. I need to be here more but I've been busy... over a year ago
Dynofox15 gave me props for my images
i wasn't here for a while and i see that the Birdo club is doing very well dontcha think? Posted over a year ago
GenesisEvo commented…
Yeah... But I must ask, what happened in your absence? over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
long story. senior year, school work, social life, etc. sooooooooooo much!! over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
long story. senior year, school work, social life, etc. sooooooooooo much!! over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Birdo
Green medal for me! Now that's what I'm talking about!! Posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
same boy!! SAME!! over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Birdo
Just found out that there's 160 fans here. What a surprise. Posted over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Birdo
One must wonder why the forums are so dead quiet... Anybody want to fancy a look and comment, by any chance? Posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
sure once i can have the time to do so. over a year ago
big smile
Dynofox15 gave me props for my comments
Wayne is my high school. We suck alone but together, we are a TEAM!! Posted over a year ago
GenesisEvo said about Yoshi
3,600 fans. Whoopee... Posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
it's no fun if other Yoshi fans aren't around to celebrate.... over a year ago
Skittygirl commented…
I'd be around to celebrate...but it wouldn't be a party.... :/ over a year ago
Dynofox15 commented…
or school. I'm with you on that one too. over a year ago
Dynofox15 gave me props for my videos
#25 you deserve it and much much more!! Posted over a year ago