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Yukina_BoA said …
A star has 5 ends.
A square has 4 ends.
A triangle has 3 ends.
A line has 2 ends.
But the circle of our friendship has no end.
...........Send this to all your best friends including me , if
...............I am one!
if you get 5 back , you are
a good friend.
If you get 10 , you are
If you get 15 back, dang
I'm jealous! :P Posted over a year ago
Sn822007 gave me props for my polls
Could u join the club about SNSD?Here's the link


Or juz type in da search box above there Girls' Generation Club. I'm not forcing u to join the club^^ For ur info,the club now has about 680 fans..i am tellin u this cuz i don't wan u to join the wrong club~XD n i hop3 you can join the club and we can be fr|endz~^^ (=◕‿‿◕=) Posted over a year ago
lurveIC_NF said …
hwaiting for pretty hyo ! Posted over a year ago