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ITurnAndBurned said about Spock & Uhura
Just fyi, if you see something weird and suspect in the polls' picks, LOL, it's because a petty, immature, pathetic spock/uhura hater with too much time in their hands decided to skew the results by voting for the 'hate them' options over and over.
I can't understand how someone can be so crazy to create that many accounts (it's math, buddy. I'm impressed by your dedication) just to spread hate on a fictional couple in a fanpage about them that isn't even that active. Posted over a year ago
ITurnAndBurned commented…
[I suspect it's that one user who is trolling in the comments of some posts and who made those exact same picks too around the same time the others were made. Are you the same who was trolling over S/U's livejournal too? The style surely is similar LOL What can I say? everyone has their weird hobbies, yours apparently is hating a fictional pair and their fans. Good luck] over a year ago
ITurnAndBurned said about Spock & Uhura
if you're interested there is a post over: h**p:// (that person has watched the movie. The post is only about S/U without being too spoilery and detailed so it's good for the ones that don't want to know everything) Posted over a year ago
ITurnAndBurned said about Spock & Uhura
has anyone read ongoing #18? you should! Posted over a year ago
evermindforever commented…
yes! :3 Not really how I imagined them getting together, but it was great nonetheless over a year ago
ITurnAndBurned commented…
it fits how I imagined it because I always figured out that they started to date when he was her teacher no longer and as the official site states she was his TA I thought that's when they started the relationship though I think that they most likely felt some sparks while he was her teacher :P just waiting for the right time. Anyway I LOVE love love that he mindmelds with her and why he wants to do that <3 over a year ago
ITurnAndBurned commented…
the comics are more like flashbacks of their relationship I was impressed and I think they did a good job, it's a comic after all. So now we have the novels and the comic :D over a year ago