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KatyG said about Take That
Hi all
I have started a campaign to get Take That's Never Forget to number 1 for Christmas 2010.
Can you all please help??
It will cost approx 79p from itunes, and needs to be downloaded from Monday 13th December 2010 until early Sunday 19th December 2010.
The link to my page is link
Thanks in advance all!! Katy x Posted over a year ago
love-u-dobby commented…
y dont u try to get their new 1 to the top more ppl will no it over a year ago
KatyG commented…
Hi, We have already had a lot of support for this one due to it being a really popular song. Their new one is great but they release their new ones at certain times, so I don't want to clash with their own time scale :) over a year ago