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miley30 gave me props for my comments
Hey!! Can u plz join my club..?
link Posted over a year ago
Alaa1999 gave me props for my videos
English - I love you.
Arabic - a7bek
French - Je T'aime
Italian - Ti Amo
German - Ish Libe Dish (ich liebe dich)
Chinese - Wo Ai Ni
urdu- mujha tum say piyr hai
Greek - S'agapo
Hawaian - Aloha Wau Ia Oi
Lithuianian - Tav Myliu
Korean - Sa Rang Hae Yo
Japanese - Ai Shi Te Ru
Romanian - Te iubesc
Spanish - Te Amo
dutch - ik hou van jou
I Can Say I Love You For You In 15 Different Languages! Now send this to 20 People That You Love Most And Are Your True Friend 4 ever x hope I'm one x x x x x Posted over a year ago
Castalinia commented…
in Japanese it's actually Watashi wa anata o aishiteru. Sorry. Just had to correct that. over a year ago
Alaa1999 gave me props for my images
Oh and btw....................CHANGE UR FANPOP PICTURE! xD Posted over a year ago