My Wall

fa567 gave me props for my images
hello! I'm really interested in ur new site so I tried to register but it didn't work ! it kept telling me that my e-mail is invalid , so please help me , I really want to join u guys ! Posted over a year ago
TheTVDLover commented…
Oh that is great thanks so much... I'm not sure what the problem might be this is the first time I heard anything like that.. If you put everything in right then it should have worked. I would say try again if it doesn't work then I would be more then willing to register for you . just give me the username you want and I would set up the rest then hand it over to you so that you can change you password and information. just let me know what you want to do and I hope that you can join us it would be great to get some more people in there :D over a year ago
fa567 commented…
thank u for adding me ! I hope to be ur friend ! my name's Amy , and I love TVD so much ! I hope you could register for me ( I'll be very thankful for that ). and my username is sweetAmy , and thank u for ur offer and for this amazing site ! <3 over a year ago
TheTVDLover commented…
Hey Amy just sent you a Pm with all the information in it for your profile.. If you need anything else just let me know. And i can wait to talk with you on the board over a year ago
big smile
TheTVDLover said about Stefan & Bonnie
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
TheTVDLover said about Elena Gilbert
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
TheTVDLover said about Stefan Salvatore
Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let you all know that some friends and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather you a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever you ship who ever you favorite characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill Forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if you are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop by and sign up. Hope to see there

link Posted over a year ago