My Wall

xElvenPiratex gave me props for my polls
Thanks for the add! :) Posted over a year ago
BuffyAngel101 said …
Thank you for "friending" me. Posted over a year ago
I just got promoted to dedicated fan!! My first too :D Posted over a year ago
NikkiLovesOTH commented…
Awesome! How long did it take? over a year ago
Yukari12 commented…
I have no idea >.< I just noticed it....but I've been a fan of this spot for over 2 years. But for the medals, time does not matter. Some people get promoted very fast ;). over a year ago
Monrose gave me props for my comments
Thanks! :) I think you're the first who hasn't sent me death threatening messages for liking them both... Posted over a year ago
Yukari12 commented…
Well I send no-one death messages, but thanks :p but I get what you mean, after reading some Delena comments about you. Seriously girl, I do not understand why you try to reason with 'certain' people. They will only bash you and say bad things about you, while you try to stay polite. I don't even have the patience to do that :p. over a year ago
reneemonique gave me props for my images
I love your icon!! :D <3 Posted over a year ago
Yukari12 commented…
thank you!! over a year ago
SG1-090 said …
Love the look of your icon, but who is it? It's driving me mad, can't work it out!? :D Posted over a year ago
Yukari12 commented…
thnx :D it Lois&Clark :D over a year ago
Yukari12 said about Stefan & Elena
pfff you guys have to get something off my chest. I thought I could remain fan of the spot delena, cause I like Elena and I like Damon, so I thought why not Delena spot? I cannot be on that spot, the whole 'Damon and Elena are meant to be, Elena loves Damon but she does not know it yet, Stefan is so boring' I am so getting sick of it. Like we bash Damon on this spot? We don't! Posted over a year ago
rabya_1 commented…
well they hv a right to think whatever they want so does SE fans but how can u love some1 n dont know that in my opiniob its impossible over a year ago
skysamuelle commented…
ridiculous it's the one word for it, right. over a year ago
christina1988 commented…
i hate the Stefan bashing! It's so annoying. over a year ago
big smile
bibi88 gave me props for my images
Thanks :D!!!
I loove Nikita!!! Posted over a year ago
Surpr1zzm33 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
5 (thanks for signing)
link Posted over a year ago
Surpr1zzm33 gave me props for my links
4 Posted over a year ago