My Wall

iamawesome7887 said …
Moo. ;3; Posted over a year ago
bookman_lavi said …
Okie fan me if u want but i wont b on on this account anymore :P ill stil rp on the vocaloid thingy nd i guess ill chat with people on my len account kBai B| Posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
ur not really leaving tho xD ul just b len then xD over a year ago
bookman_lavi said about Vocaloid Rp~!
((GUYS! IM BACK! *lens admin* nd i gots a question... can i change my vocaloid? I hav nu intrest in len anymoer ._. I shall b... ted! If thts possible :)*my friend loves ted so shes askin if i could b ted... is the alrite gumi?)) Posted over a year ago
vocaloid_gumi commented…
ummm ok.... but only this ince cuz u seem to get back a good relationship with ur family... ok... ONLY THIS ONCE! ill inform the othrs over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
actually... hmm mayb ill keep len~ imma decide first. if anyone wants len or ted. then ill choose the one who they didnt choose over a year ago
01_VocaloidMiku commented…
((lol xD joo broke the fourth wall gumi!!! that seems fine ^w^ whichever one you want~~)) over a year ago
ceiling_yamada said …
Thanks for the add~!! :P Posted over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
np! over a year ago
rikku_chan gave me props for my videos
your welcome & thanks! kanades my fave :3
im glad you like them^^ Posted over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
//im sorry for the late reply ._.// yes shes amazing^^ over a year ago
is there a Romania? can i rp as him? o3o Posted over a year ago
DanielHedervary commented…
Romania is taken! Sorry~ over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
okie! no problem! male taiwan? over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
:3 Start roleplaying whenever y'can~. I'm Sweden, FYI. over a year ago
bookman_lavi said about iamawesome7887
!!!! NEW PERSON! thnx echofang for joining! Posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
mooo!!! r u liek monitoring this club 24/7? over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
nyan! nu -w- im just bored! but stil! i AM the co creator x3 over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
usagi :U over a year ago
bookman_lavi said about iamawesome7887
Usagi! Usagi! Usagi! BUNNEH! Posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
ushi ushi ushi COW!! over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
do u no what u r to me? over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
u jst say tht cuz u no i draw myself with cat ears xD over a year ago
big smile
bookman_lavi said about iamawesome7887
SECOND FAN! Yeah!! *suprise hug from the back* love the icon thing and the banner! Posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
*suprised* !!! *ish strangled by hug* XP okie, how did u find out i made one? over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
i was bored. thought if u made a club already. looked it up. saw your username. saw the motto. said thats so you. saw the hungary pictures. its totally you and thats how ._. over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
._. okie then. GOOD FOR U FOR BEING THE SECOND FAN *pats on head* over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
yeah! over a year ago
iamawesome7887 said …
Ya no kiyoshi-kun... U can b a baka sometimes -3- Posted over a year ago
bookman_lavi commented…
:D ur right! over a year ago