Pokémon Pokemon gijinka RP! The history of the gijinkas!

alexischaos2004 posted on Nov 05, 2014 at 11:39PM
Gijinkas have been a rare sight in the Pokemon universe, but there are so many out there, a few have been seen only. But, maybe they can be seen?

Please create your own character forms :)

Here's my character:



24 years old

Description: Below

Arelazai was an orphan as a child, and nobody would ever pay attention to him. He was just a homeless child, until, he met Yveltal. Even though he was young, and wasn't a trainer, he had a huge connection with Yveltal. Thus, now he has Yveltal as his only companion. He can also transform into an Yveltal with the DNA half of Yveltal's.

What is a Pokemon gjinka? A Pokemon gijinka is a human that has the ability to transform into one or more Pokemon, and may have the looks of a certain Pokemon. There is a gijinka for ever single Pokemon in the world.

Plot: Marina, an agile, cocky troublemaker! She happens to stumble along Arelazai and his friends and she isn't very their type. What will Marina do to join their adventures? Who knows, she is such a troublemaker, after all.
Gijinkas have been a rare sight in the Pokemon universe, but there are so many out there, a few have
last edited on Nov 14, 2014 at 11:55PM

Pokémon 720 replies

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over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
(I'm so sorry if I'm annoying with the constant reminding)

Yuna grunted, not amused by any of this. "Doesn't anyone here have a heart to help me re-grow my plants?" She asked, raising her hand action like if she was the only one to answer her own question.

Arelazai didn't know anything about growing plants and such, but he volunteered to help. "I'll oblige!" He proclaimed to her.

(Currently playing Pokemon Black version while typing xD)
last edited over a year ago
piplupfan1 commented…
since I mist all of this Simon offerd to help too over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(It's not annoying, but the threats to close it down are daunting, and besides, I was away for dinner ^^;)
"I'll help out, too," Felicia offered.
(I wish I could be playing best-Pokemon-game too XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
(But I do want Pokemon Heartgold xD And Absol is my first Pokemon in my party :D)

Yuna nodded "Thank you. I need someone to get me 5 Gracidea seeds, first." She announced.

Arelazai "I'll do that." He offered, transforming into Yveltal and taking off. He was going to fly to the Gracidea field to pluck out a Gracidea seeds.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
While Felicia waited for Arelazai to get back, Sola noticed the crystal in Holis's hand. "Oh, Holis, you just can't leave home without those trinkets of yours, can't you?"
"Look who's talking," Holis countered. "And I'd hardly call it a trinket."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Time-skip, blah blah

Arelazai landed, and transformed back into human form, with 5 small Gracidea seeds in his palm. "Just as ya requested." He smiled, giving the seeds to Yuna.

'Thank you. Felicia, you can find a new pot in the back of my greenhouse, dump some soil into the pot, and put the seed in it. I'll do the rest." Yuna gave direct directions to Felicia.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Okay." Felicia took the seed and did as she was told, silently wishing the soon-to-be-flower good fortune.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Man, I feel like I should leave somewhere..." Arelazai muttered to himself, transforming into Yveltal and flying off to Glittering Cave.

(Should Arelazai find Astorian (Hope I spelled it right) somewhere here?)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Sure, it'll give me something to do XD)
Astorian was standing inside Glittering Cave, as bored as he'd been for a while. He'd lost touch with both Xerneas and Zygarde, and wondered if they'd become gijinkas as well. Amazingly enough, no one seemed to notice him (and his horns were a dead giveaway) but then again, not many people came in here lately.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Two new characters incoming! Actually these two were Pokemon OCs of mine for a while, I just made them gijinkas here)
Name: Bernadette
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Chatot
(Two new characters incoming! Actually these two were Pokemon OCs of mine for a while, I just made th
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Name: Phillipa (goes by Philly for short)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Starly
Name: Phillipa (goes by Philly for short)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Starly
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Hmmm.... I should let Yveltal out of his Pokeball now." Arelazai pulled out Yveltal's Pokeball, releasing him. "Yveeeeelllll!" Yveltal screeched, flapping his wings. "Hey, try to keep quiet." Arelazai shrugged, walking down the pathway of the cave.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Astorian heard a familiar cry resonate throughout the cavern. Is that who I think it is? He transformed into Xerneas and strode down the hallways.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Philly asked as she and Bernadette flew side-by-side over Kalos.
"When have I been wrong about this sort of thing?" Bernadette replied dismissively. "I made extra sure to check where we were headed and the location we needed to reach. You can count on me."
Philly still didn't look convinced. "Whatever you say... "
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Yveltal, return. So, I can transform into you..." Arelazai whispered to Yveltal, putting him back in his Pokeball. Arelazai himself transformed into Yveltal and flew down the hallway. He saw an old friend, Xerneas. "Hey." He said "What's going on?" He asked.
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
(Fluctus, you have a new girl to drool over!)

Sakebu (Sock-eh-buu)


12 years old

Sakebu can be stubborn a bit, and obnoxious. But, overall, she is sweet and kind. She also pulls off being a true sweetheart towards older people, and she can be teasy towards younger people. Her friend is Fennekin, and can transform into Fennekin. She always carries a stick, and she can summon fire from it with her Fire type moves.

last edited over a year ago
(Fluctus, you have a new girl to drool over!)

Sakebu (Sock-eh-buu)


12 years old
Monmonny commented…
Thank god! I do NOT need anybody else to fight for Syuk! over a year ago
Monmonny commented…
But,isn't this more Braxien than Fenniken? over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Yveltal, long time no see," Astorian greeted his fellow legendary. "How are things?"
(gtg D:)
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
(Bye D:)

"Good, I guess. Lots of bogus has happened and I'm not sure if I can stay much longer with my friends because they cause so much drama." Arelazai answered, his back glowing a bit. "I wonder where Zygarde is. Maybe he's a gijinka now." He added.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Grrr...can't believe this..."Dixon mumbled,mad.
(can somebody update me? I know how fast these responses roll in.)
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(New character!)
23 years old
(New character!)
23 years old
over a year ago Monmonny said…
Zygor heard familiar voices from somewhere."Zygarde,do you know these voices?"He asked Zygarde.
'Yes!It's Yveltal and Xerneas!'Zygarde told him. "Hey! Are you two the Gjinkas of Yveltal and Xerneas?"Zygor asked Arelazai and Astorian.

"Oh great another legendary Gjinka! These Gjinkas are going to bring a world of hurt on me!"Mary said,watching from the shadows.

"We can all hear you Mary!"Dixon yelled at Mary.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Simon said to Tuna "If you want my aunt owns a flower shop if you want everyone that offered to help you can go there"
Luke said "Me life would be over if she was my mum"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
As Mary stepped out of the shadows,her eyes landed on Zygor.'Wow!Who's this manly-man?'She thought to herself,looking love-struck towards Zygor.

"Who's this?"Zygor asked when he saw Mary step out of the shadows.He thought she was cute.

"Oh god.Please don't tell me you're in love with Mary?She tried to capture us a few days ago!"Dixon told Zygor.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The Lady said "Hi Mary my husband is still working with the scientist"
Luke said "Anything that comes out off your mouth is bad"
She punched him
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Not now,Mrs.Rouge.I'm in the middle of something."She said,Zygor and Mary still staring at each other.

"Oh...my...god. Zygor...snap...out...of..it"Dixon said,slapping Zygor.Zygor was still in his trance,though.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said "Kissy kissy I'll even put music on"
Luke with now a bleeding nose he said "Why do people like hitting me and not the good way"
Simon said "I have no idea"
Electra used thunder bolt on Mary
Monmonny commented…
Simon Says over a year ago
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Mary,you ok?"Zygor asked her.

''Ugghh..."Mary groaned.

"Finally! Thanks Electra!"Dixon told Electra.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
"Your welcome" said Electra
Napoleon said "Now that love scene is over what now"
Luke said "another battle" then he shouted to Yuna
"hey Yuna your flowers are about to be destroyed again"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Arelazai turned to Zygor "Yes..... I'm the gijinka of Yveltal if ya can't tell." He answered his question.

Sakebu walked around, her head slumped to the ground. She was so bored. "Why isn't there anything to do?" She muttered to herself, stopping as she saw Dixon and other gijinkas. "Hey! Fellow gijinkas!" Sakebu yelled, waving at the other individuals of her kind.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
"Hi there so many gijinkas here I not sure witch ones are good and witch iones are bad" said Napoleon
"Me to" said Luke
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu sucked her teeth with annoyance "Hello?!" She snarled.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Simon said "Why hello Sakebu sorry making you feel ignored"
Luke said "Year right"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"Whatever." Sakebu crossed her arms and rolling her eyes with disgust. She felt uncomfortable as ignorance progressed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Luke said ''Ummm right what to do now''
''Get a life'' said the lady
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu snarled at the very rude lady, using Fire Blast on her. "I may not look like a Delphox, but I was able to learn this move!" She growled, putting more fire energy into the attack.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
"You messed up my hair! She shouted
And used water pluse on Sakebu
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu dodged it, panting because she was about to be hit with a super effective move. "Aren't you.... A Frogadier gijinka?!" She growled, using Psyshock on her. (She never evolved, so that's why she has that move)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The Lady said "A Frogadier gijinka well if you are glad to know in am one"
She doges the attack and used water pluse again
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu grunted, and dodged the move again as fast she could. She ran up to the lady and used Psybeam on her. "Well than?" She smirked.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Then the lady duked and pushed her into Luke
"Oww" Luke said
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu got up, and used Psyshock on the lady. "This will tire you out!" She smirked, her move actually hitting the lady now.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The lady used water pluse on Sakebu it was a critical hit
Luke used aqua sphere on the lady
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu was weakened down, but then she turned into Braixen and used up a Full Restore, transforming back into human with her health full. "Kekeke!" She laughed, finishing the lady off with a Psybeam.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
The lady said "beep you" and doged transformed into Frogadier used a full restore then a water pluse
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu dodged the move, snarling. "I hate you!" She yelled at her, using Fire Blast on her.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
She dodged the fire blast and used quick attack
"This is never going to end" He got out a cupcake and throw it
The lady flowed it
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu dodged the attack with her quick agility, and she used Psybeam on the lady.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Buy the time Sakebu used it the lady was gone
Luke said "She is such a fatty"
Simon said "that was rude"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
Sakebu panted, smirking and becoming joyed over her victory. "I won! I won, I won, I won!!!" She yelled out repeatedly, running around in circles with overjoy.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Napoleon said "she ran off that was not really she ran off"
Simon said "Let her have a moment of happyns"
over a year ago alexischaos2004 said…
"I still won!" Sakebu rolled her eyes, still celebrating her victory.
over a year ago piplupfan1 said…
Luke said "Year" sarcastically