Random Cuss game

Usui--takumi posted on Jan 25, 2012 at 09:02AM
It's totally simple. Make a sentence by using curse word(s) perfectly.Fucking Thanks to everyone for participating.
last edited on Jan 25, 2012 at 06:37PM

Random 413 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 413

over a year ago crrazycake said…
me fucking your brains bitches that's what's going on :p
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
big smile
@8adass Naw I am fucking to skinny for that. :P Why don't you do it? You be a huge fucking hero!
over a year ago Usui--takumi said…
This forum is fucking alive! SURPRIZE BUTTSECKS!!
over a year ago zoey010 said…
Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit!?!(from a song)
over a year ago Usui--takumi said…
New shit is holy.
over a year ago CREDDIECHANNY said…
big smile
New shit? Holy fuck!
over a year ago Usui--takumi said…
Fuck yeah! So, fuckers. How was your fucking day?
over a year ago Wendy99 said…
over a year ago johnnyboy-69 said…

over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
HAI SKANK ASS BITCHES!!! How was your fucking day? Mines was fucking fabulous.Bitches, I found out that im fucking fabulous!! Yeah bitches,you can't beat this sexy beast!
HAI SKANK ASS BITCHES!!! How was your fucking day? Mines was fucking fabulous.Bitches, I found out th
over a year ago Usui--takumi said…
When life gives you lemon, take it. Free shit is cool.
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Ticklish rasberry teddies
over a year ago xokaylaxob said…
this is so damn stupid, just go fucking home! no one likes your ass!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Quit your bitching move your feet.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^No you fuck off you dumbass cunt.
over a year ago victoria7011 said…
Fuck the fuckers who fucked with fuckety fuck!
over a year ago IcePhoniex said…
Shut the fuck up you hoes no one gives a flying fuck about your shit now go fuck a tree you cunt.
over a year ago randomgirl3000 said…
What english fucking don't know is that "fuck" and go anywhere in a fucking sentence and still make fucking sense.
over a year ago jordanyeaboi said…
over a year ago victoria7011 said…
Fuck sake bitch,theres too many fucks in that you stupid cunt.
over a year ago Quirnechia said…
Poop turds...
over a year ago springely said…
About time we brought this thread back...

I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live, you can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain that it'll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't at home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn on your gas
stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed as a doctor. When you wake up after the operation, you'll be scared for your fucking life, wondering what I did to you while you were being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of that hospital to go home, I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It's too fucking late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either... I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you againmyself you bitchfaced asshole.
Welcome to hell, population: you.
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Omg still can’t believe how fucking great you are at throwing shit over a year ago
over a year ago prophet69 said…
@springly: lol Just fucking wow xD
over a year ago prophet69 said…
Hey, fuckers!
over a year ago EvilPineapple said…
Typical Australians.......

"Oh fuckers! Come over here cunts and we will get pissed!"
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
*whispers* moo
over a year ago johnnyboy-69 said…
over a year ago australia-101 said…
You :)
over a year ago johnnyboy-69 said…
over a year ago cocogirl1 said…
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
Fuck you niggas
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
Eat my ass
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
Where are y'll pussies. Afraid of cussing
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
It's been three fuckin years since anyone has fucked with this forum.
Ranty-cat commented…
Had to dig deeper over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
^ And you still fucking haven't seen shit, gurl !!!!
over a year ago SilentForce said…
What the fuck is this fucking bullshit?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
Pretty much everyone went wild on this one. Even Springely
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
You know shit's got real when even fucking Springely decides to get on with this bullshit !!!!
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
Meh, I`m too fucking lazy to think of any dumbass thing to write here.
Ranty-cat commented…
But, you father fucking did, didn't you lol over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
No, it`s all just a motherfucking illusion in your mind. over a year ago
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
My mind is fucking blown
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
When you wish you were too pure for the game...
But you mothaf*ckin ain’t
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Why is there no f*cking variety of bada*s sh*t-words being uses on this da*n forum, b*tches?
Ranty-cat commented…
Let me guess... You are 14 years old? Amirite? XD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Omg dude no. XD over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
^ Who da fuck taught you to speak like dat, 2nty? I thought you were fucking better than this but to see dat innocence of yours getting dragged into shit? I'm fucking disappointed !!!!
2ntyOnePilots commented…
K fin3 bitch. Wanna fight you mothafuckin cunt? Post up whore over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Oh, it's on gurl. You're goind down, betch !!!! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Gurl? Wtf? Lol over a year ago
over a year ago BlueDopamine said…
Holy bitchtits! What are you thundercunts up to?
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Dropping my innocence- according ta my bitch Lefty ^. God damn if I have innocence, then Enya’s a fucking angel!
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
^ Damn right Enya's a motherfucking Angel. She is the biggest Angel cunt around you'll ever gonna meet. Knock off playing the devil's ass and turn back to the goody goody betch we all know, 2nty !!!!
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Never! How the fuck could I? Shoulda known this bitch couldn’t hide my inner badass 4 ever! Lmao ;)
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Where the fuck is Mamauser? I’m sure as hell she could put all of us in our god damn places like- ‘hold my beer...’ @#$&#@$##$*&$#@#$&f*&$d#@a­#$&­amp­;f
over a year ago ShadowFan100 said…
Why the fucking fuck would I ever fucking participate in this damn, shitty-ass bull-fucking shit forum? Just so I can fucking waste my fucking life commenting on this dumbass bull shit? Fuck that fucking shit, I got better shit to fucking do with my damn, shitty fucking life. This whole damn forum is full of ass, shit, bitches and assholes. Plus a few damn dickheaded cunt ass-fucks. Fuck fuck FUCK this damn, fucking forum to hell!

OK, that’s enough cussing for tonight. So thankful my family won’t see this post XD
last edited over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
#1st place over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Beautiful speech. You should go on TedTalks! over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Goddamnit where the fuck did all you bitches go? Drag yo asses back over here cunts