The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 replies

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over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackline was up early for the morning, having gone to bed after her speaking with Mason and Katherin over the phone. She spritzed her curls with a mixed liquid that was made up of blueberries, guava, kiwi and papaya as well as a little orange thrown in. Unlike most people she didn't need to brush or comb her hair frequently at all because she took care of it so well that it was never lacking its exuberance, and one simple shake of it sent large curls springing to life. Her grandmother, despite how wild she kept her head of grey nowadays, had given her many formulas to keep her appearance lively and full of beauty.

As to why she was up so early, she knew that she couldn't call in again. She had already done so twice, and that was already too much for her. She had never called in a day for work, not even on the extremely rare occasions that she had gotten a little sick. She loved her job. And no amount of magic or Constables or anything would ever change that. It had been her dream job since childhood, and she wasn't about to let anything take that away from her after she had lost plenty as it was.

She patted her face and rubbed her arms and legs down with an aloe oil that she had learned to make herself, ensuring that her skin was radiant and flawless. And then she got dressed, pulling on a pair of black stockings, dressing herself in a navy blue skirt and milky white shirt that would be layered over by a bright turquoise business blazer. Instead heels, she settled for a pair of flats.

After making sure she locked everything up and her home was secured, she was on her way out the door. She stopped after she was outside though, and turned around to look at her house. A proud smile came to her face shortly afterwards, a twinge of pride towards all that she had accomplished for herself growing in her heart. She summoned her broom and mounted it, checking her phone only to see that Mason had called her a few times. She rolled her eyes though, knowing that she was heading over to see them as soon as she was done in Montana.


[Meanwhile in Miami]

[Touche Williams]

"Come on girl move those legs! Left, right, left, right, left–come on! This isn't the time to be waiting, we're not taking a break!"

Touche could feel her lungs constricting with each step she tried to take to continue forward. Sweat poured down her face, hair that had been tied back into a ponytail now having locks of black sticking out. "I-I'm tr-trying," She wheezed as she tried to keep up, but the more she tried, the more she felt like she needed to stop. That she wanted to stop.

Caesar came to a stop at the end of the street, beads of sweat running down his temple and free falling onto the awaiting concrete below. An expression of concern on his face, he jogged a few feet back down the sidewalk to check on her. "You okay? We can stop and actually take a break if you want to?"

Touche nodded since she wasn't able to give a vocal answer at that point, leaning against a trashcan when she felt like she was going to throw up. The white t-shirt that she wore was drenched, and the outline of the waist trainer that she had on could be seen now through her shirt. "Jesus," She whimpered, trying to take as much air into her body as she could only to feel her side start cramping again.

"Remember, in through the nose, out through mouth. You're doing well. Here, take a look at this,"

Touche took off her glasses for a moment to wipe them off on her gym shorts, then put them back on to look at what the Hispanic man was trying to show her. "W-what?"

"This is where we stopped last week," Caesar said, pointing at a street name that they had passed two blocks ago. "We're here right now," his finger moved across the screen and pointed.

"W-whoa, holy crap!" Touche found herself gasping, having the phone in her hands now while still fighting to control her breathing. "Forreal? How many miles is that?"

"About 2 and a half," He answered with a grin. "Aaah senorita, look at you go!"

"Yeah!" Touche smiled, but not too much that her teeth could be seen. She returned the phone to him. "H-how much further?" She asked, having to wait a few seconds before she could take in a deep breath.

"We still have another three blocks until we get back to the parking lot. There's no rush of course."

"No–no um..I'm ready." Touche said this despite her legs feeling like they were going to collapse under her at any second now and feeling a little lightheaded. But seeing the progress had gotten rid of that thought from earlier of wanting to throw in the towel.

"Are you sure? Please, don't push yourself to hard. If you really need to take break then y–" Before he could even finish his sentence, Caesar watched as Touche started jogging again. He could tell from the way that she was stumbling and barely moving her feet compared to before that she was struggling. He watched her for a couple of seconds in admiration before he followed after her. "Lift those legs senorita, those calves aren't going to burn themselves."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah wrestled with the blanket, managing to throw it off her finally as she sat up, wearing her pajamas now as she looked up at Alana with a drowzy feeling before answering her, "Elves don't water plants. We're not that different from humans, you know"

Sammy set the fruit down for them to have breakfast, with, looking over at Mason with a curious look before stating, "Mason, not to be rude, but you look like shit"
"I feel like it" Mason replied as he rubbed his eyes, "I haven't been able to get a hold of Jackie since yesterday. Whatever case Raven is in is.... a mystery to me. It's driving me nuts"
afewseconds commented…
"We're not that different from humans, you know." Lies xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It probably is. XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
I wanted to save it for when they actually went to World 2, but I should probably show you what the elves of World 2 actually are XD over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana rolled her eyes softly. "Is that so?" She asked sarcastically, mostly because every movie she had seen said otherwise. "Hurry up now, there can be children in trouble at this very moment and I'd be late because I'm discussing with someone whether elves are real or not." But, she couldn't help to admit her surprise to Galiah's ears staying on overnight. Or perhaps she had surgery to cut them that way. Either way, it still shocked her. "We'll have breakfast along the way." Alana informed her while packing a few more nutritious snacks into her bag. When her giant water bottle was finally filled, she removed it from the tank and held it with ease along with several other satchels and bags. "Didn't expect you you to be so slow, come on now!" She exclaimed, her mood at the hour clearly differing from anyone's for that matter. She had grown used to it.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Someone is far too entitled ta work" Galiah thought to herself as she stood up and stepped into the bathroom. She brushed her hair with her hands, and in no time at all, came back out in her previous leather clothes from yesterday, throwing her hood back on over her pink hair, which parted out of her hood in some places as she gave a nod to Alana, "Alright, I'm ready to go"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
It had been a few hours sent she had left her home in Carolina, but Jackie made good time with making it to Montana to check on Raven. She had arrived in a rather gleeful mood until she actually got to the ranch to see how she was doing. And now that she was heading towards the rift, that gleeful mood had been effected greatly to the point that it wasn't all so gleeful anymore. She hadn't heard from her grandmother yet, but it was clear that she was still in China doing gods knew what and it agitated her to no avail.

She activated the rift and watched as the space in the air tore open for her go through, and since she already knew exactly where she was going the image at the end of the swirling tunnel didn't sway and waver like it had did before when she was sending Mason on his way.

It was a few minutes after Sammy had set the fruit down that there was a rap on the door.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy picked her head up, hearing the knocking from the door just down the room. She looked over at Mason, who was doing his best with the five hours of sleep he had gotten, shaking her head. After she got everything set, she hurried to the door in a light jog, grabbing the door knob and pulling the door open
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Your gonna have another heat stroke in that robe of yours, but suit yourself." Alana shrugged. Whether she did or not, she was prepared to aid her however was needed. "Entitled to work?" She blinked in confusion, switching off the lights as they made their way out. "Well, I do love my job, that's true. Even though most of the time there's hardly anyone to save, which is a good sign that people are respecting the flags and tides." She referenced the different colored flags she would put out her tower to inform people whether the water was safe or not. "I think the biggest issue I deal with, or rather the most frequent one is littering. I mean, I get everyone loves to go to the beach to party, but at least pick up after yourselves! Hundreds of marine species have gone extinct thanks to us! Can you believe that? They treat marine life and habitats with no respect. And then when I call them out for it, I'm suddenly the bad guy." She opened the door for her and Galiah.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Not to worry, this suit is quite comfortable in all forms of weather" Galiah replied, running her hand against her left arm before she threw her hands behind her back as she followed her. She listened to Alana discuss the litter that was caused by patrons of the beach, how they get upset over being told to stop and how their actions have caused the deaths of numerous creatures. Galiah gave a nod and replied, "I knew that humans were stubborn, but I didn't think their stubbornness was so destructive to such creatures. That's very upsetting"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
When Sammy opened the door Jackie raised an eyebrow. She had expected Mason to be the one to be the one that answered, but regardless of who it was she would enter the apartment all the same. She moved passed Sammy with a brief "Good morning", taking a few steps in before taking a brief look around the place from where she stood. She waved her hand at the ceiling, causing blue sigils to reveal themselves before disappearing out the sight again. She then turned to Mason. "A shower and a bed to use as you wish and you still look unkempt. I'm starting to assume that this to be a default for you," She joked dryly before following up with, "Good morning."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy's joyous mood drained almost immediately at the sight of Jackie, even easing the door to close it back before she stepped inside, leaving Sammy to scoff as she closed the door and made her way back to the table to 'try' and enjoy her breakfast. Mason lifted his head up as he proclaimed, "I forgot to ask Katherin with no E to buy some coffee. I'm usually fine with a few hours if I..." But he stopped himself when he remembered what he needed to know, turning to Jackie as he asked, "W-Wait, forget about me. What about Raven? Is she okay?"
"Yeah, seriously" Sammy said, now also changing her bitter tone to a more concerned one, "She's alright, right?"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"It's the absolute worst!" Alana exclaimed. "And don't get me started on the excessive plastic bags they use for groceries. I once witnessed a woman put a single water bottle into a bag. A WATER BOTTLE! Can you believe that?!" She asked again. "How is the pollution where you live? Are hUmAnS just as dirty as they are here? Excessive plastic, carbon monoxide in the atmosphere from cars, acid rain, deforestation, extinction of particular animals?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"We don't use these cars" Galiah replied, "What is the point of a slow, gas spitting pile of metal that will kill you if you so much as crash into another when we can just teleport from where I love? Much safer that way. And no, elves are quite clean. Even the other beings there can be clean at times. It's only humans that are this gross and disrespectful to the earth that birthed them, really. Have to say, those groups that hate this world have a point about you humans. Though, I find you all far too fascinating to let perish"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie closed her eyes for a moment and let out a sigh. "May I at least treat myself to tea before the both of you start with you questions?" She said irritably as she was walking into the kitchen. She went to the cabinet that was next to the fridge and opened it to grab a box of chai tea that she brought there the day before. But when she grabbed the box she did so with lightly shaking hands, and upon noticing that she was trembling she forced herself to stop. She removed two bags of the tea and went across to the sink to grab a mug from the cabinet above it and feeling it with water. However opposed to using the microwave to heat the water or a stove, she used her magic to bring the water to a boil that was audible, dropping the tea bags into it while it was doing so. It wasn't her favorite method, but for now it would have to do.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well at least she's not a fucking sicko using a microwave XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
I fucking know right?! XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Yes. XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason gave a nod as Jackie went over to get the tea, though Sammy was less understanding, but was left with no choice but to wait as she sat back down with her arms crossed. Though Sammy was able to take notice of the faint trembling in Jackie's hands. She thought for a moment that it was just her being tired, but how she actively made herself stop. Though Sammy would never admit to even tolerating Jackie, the sight of it worried her
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Teleport?" Alana repeated with curiosity. "Uuhhhh, yeah, doubt that." She rolled her eyes. "Not as easy as you make it sound in your imaginative world. ....Fascinating? Humans?" Alana laughed whole-heartedly. "How on earth would you find us fascinating? I mean, have you seen any movie recently? Sure, we can invent stuff and have quite impressive brains compared to other mammals, but come on! We've become an embarrassment to the world. In a world full of mYtHiCaL cReAtUrEs, we'd be eaten alive without a doubt."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, I beg to differ" Galiah replied with a nod, "I think you humans would survive and thrive. Though, not because you are genetically superior in anyway. You're very weak, you have half the intelligence of other creatures, and you anger and fear far too easily. However, what you make up for in those departments, you excel in numbers and in determination. From what I've witnessed from your treatment of animals and even of each other, I believe you would win every time in a war. Not because of your strengths. But because your kind are like a poison to other races. You will stomp out another race until nothing is left, even if that race is peaceful, for your own gain. That is why I find you humans so fascinating. Am I right?" Galiah said with a nod and a proud smile on her research
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Uuuhhhhh....." Alana was quiet as she processed Galiah's short speech about the human race. She scratched her neck awkwardly. "I mean.... I guess if you consider World War 2 as evidence to your argument, then I suppose it is reasonable." However, she felt like her words went a little too far. Yet a small part of her did agree with what she said. "As hard as it is to admit we would stomp out an entire race, I cannot deny that we haven't.... I mean, there's hardly any true indigenous people left in certain countries. I'm grateful my Polynesian grandmother stays true to her roots. Also, the vast majority of the population in Latin America didn't exist before humans....uh... stomped on their origins..." Now Galiah was starting to make sense. "Hmm... I wonder what it would be like to be anything but a human."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, don't worry" Galiah said with a nod, "Like I said, though your lot is greedy, selfish, and destructive, while some races would consider you a plague in need of total annihilation, I find you fascinating." Galiah responded with a nod, "What 80% of you have in absolute destruction, the remaining 20% make up for that in creation. The art that you create, the technology you manage to use to make the impossible possible, the food, the culture, and lifestyles. I love human society so much, and am willing to accept the bad with the good. That is life, after all. Nothing will ever be perfect, and thinking you will find perfection in anything, in love, in a career, in anything is foolish. Never strive for perfection. Strive for satisfaction. And I am satisfied with this world. Enough to keep it safe. That is my mission, Alana"
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Okay, I'm gonna stop typing out Galiah's words like they're all poorly spelled because it's hard to manage, so just pretend she's talking in a plethora of different European accents over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
Hahahaha, I did that too when I realized I would have to translate everything to Korean with Yoon and Kyungha xDDD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Tick tick tick-tick tick Jackie tapped her fingernails against the counter and avoided eye contact for the time being. She opened the refrigerator door and helped herself to a bag of quartz green apples, the only ones that she would eat as a child and the ones that she would still eat to this day. There weren't any knives or any silverware in the apartment yet, so she instead lifted the apple and sent it into a spin as it floated in the air. She sharpened the tip of her the index finger's nail with a small bit of aura before poking it into the apple just a little bit and causing the green outer layer to start shaving away until only the bare apple remained.

The boiling within the mug came to a halt, and piece cut from the apple joined the tea bags in their hot tub of tea.

Jackie returned to the dining room quietly and took a seat in one of the chairs, not bothering to add any sweetener to her tea if it wasn't honey. Which was something that wasn't there currently. She didn't say anything immediately at first either and instead pulled out her phone and began to swipe her thumb across the screen.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy and Mason both looked at Jackie as she set her unsweetened tea down onto the table and looked through her phone without a single word or even a bit of eye contact with them. As the silence became more and more uncomfortable, Sammy groaned and replied, "Alright, Long Legs, what the hell is the deal? Why so business strict all of a sudden?"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Why?" Jackie lifted her head. "Because unlike yourself I have a occupation that I'm going to have to be to in just the next two hours and that requires business," she snapped irritably. "And it just so happens that I'm going to be covering the events of the last couple of weeks here in Florida. And while you've been sitting with your hands tucked into your crotch, I've had to deal with this," She sat her phone down against the table and slid it over to Sammy.

On the phone's screen was a video that was pending for a second before it began to play. And the moment it played, a shriek unlike any other immediately entered the walls of the apartment. Of course, Jackie wasn't the one recording anything, but the dummy-clone that Mason had seen before. Raven could be seen thrashing against the couch, kicking and screaming like she had been before, However, unlike before she was conscious. Her arms were bloodied from where she had been clawing at her skin, chunks of hair strewn around her while Jackie was trying to calm her.
Raven screamed over and over again, asking for Dean. Where he was. What had been done with him. Why she wasn't with him at the arcade like she had been. Jackie eventually had no choice but to do as she had done before and knock her unconscious with a spell after Raven lunged at her and managed to bite her arm and draw blood.

After the video finished, the phone was pulled back across the table and to its owner by magic. Jackie sat it aside, waving her hand over her cup to stir her tea until eventually, she took a sip from it in silence.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"W-What the fuck!?" Sammy said as she looked at the phone, a look of fear taking over before she turned to Mason, snapping at him, "Mason! You told me that she was alright!"
"I-If I told you what she was really like, you'd be upset" Mason said in his defense before Sammy stood up, knocking her chair over
"Of fucking course I'm upset, retard!" Sammy shouted, slamming her hand on the table "You fucking lied to me! You lied about Raven being in this state! How the fuck do you think I'm gonna react!? You said "She's doing just fine" and all that shit! Then I see this! She's not fine! She's far fucking from it! You said that Jackie has this all under control! What fucking control?! If it wasn't for all this magic bullshit, she'd be just fine! Why the fuck did we get dragged into this bullshit in the first place! You didn't ask for this, Raven didn't fucking ask for this! But suddenly, we're told "Tough shit! Deal with it!". How the fuck is that fuckin' fair!"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie didn't say anything at all, and instead continued to drink from her tea in silence. Her brows gave a small twitch that went unnoticed, removing the teabags from the mug and letting them drain out into the mug. But then she spoke finally after Sammy had stopped talking. But all she said to her was, "Pick up the chair from the floor and sit down." However, her finger had began to tap against the table slowly, her eyes on the pause button that was splayed across the screen of her phone. When she spoke, she spoke surprisingly soft and quiet. Yet the way she pronounced every word was like they had fallen into the room with anchors strapped to them.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy turned to Jackie at her response, pure rage still building up inside her, but she didn't bother to argue. "Unfuckingbelievable". She picked the chair up and, roughly, set it back onto it's legs before she sat down, staring at Mason with a bit of anger in her heart before she looked back over at Jackie, not a word coming from her
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie fell silent once again, still staring at her phone screen after she turned it off. Her eyes lifted to give Sammy a steely gaze.

The look that she gave her was something mixed between wanting to just lunge across the table and destroy everything that Sammy was, wanting her to shut up, and understanding. Yet the red-haired woman said nothing. She just stared Sammy down within the silence of the room.

And when Jackie finally spoke for after what seemed like an eternity within just a minute and a few seconds, it was as if it broke a spell of deafness that the silence had brought onto the room. "I'll have you know that this is as under control as things can be at the moment. And if you're going to continue complain about what's fair and unfair I suggest you either come to terms that you're an adult and life isn't fair, or you get up and leave with the clothes on your back. Because you're as responsible for what occurred yesterday as he is. If you'd ran your mouth less, perhaps the outcome could have been different. Or perhaps there was something more that caused the energy in her to spike so suddenly. I was able to gather some of her last coherent thoughts into my dummy." She swiped her finger across the screen and tapped play.

This time another video played. However, this one was of the previous day after she had gotten back to the ranch. "S-Sammy...Sammy...this isn't funny...g-get up! S-Smmugh..." Raven's voice could be heard saying nearly the exact words that she had been saying while holding Dean. But there was more as Jackie swiped the screen again.
"The...lights..they went off. It..was..dark.." Raven's words came slower, as if she were in a trance of some sort. "I-I....couldn't...see. Lights...came back...S-Sammy...Sam...SAM!!" Something could be heard breaking as Raven's voice became more fearful. "'s..okay. burns so much..."

Jackie paused the video and turned the screen off. She spoke in a venomously calm tone, yet still soft and quiet. "Now tell us all again how unfair life is, Samantha."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy gritted her teeth in frustration again as she watched the video, her eyes moving up to Jackie at her last response. Many thoughts filled Sammy's mind, but she chose to say nothing. She just stood up from the table and made her way to the door, throwing it open aggressively before she slammed it shut, wanting to be left alone for the time being
Mason, however, was silent for different reasons. He felt truly guilty, more so by Sammy's response and Jackie's words brought to him. He could only blame himself before he looked up to Jackie and responded, "I'm not ready for this, Jackie" He said in a monotone voice, "I'm just going to keep hurting people with this. I can't do this. I just... I can't. I thought I was ready, but I just can't do it. I'm just a danger to everyone around me. I've always been a danger to everyone around me. Nothings changed"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"But it has." Jackie replied, her eyes having not left where Sammy had been until her gaze finally fixed itself on Mason. "You're awareness of your potential capabilities is what has changed. And it's far too late to back away from it. The web of fate has been weaving hastily. Don't so easily forget what I've told you. If Fate wills it then so shall her will be." She lifted the mug to her lips again to sip and continued. "There was no other choice but to follow through with what we had discussed or the girl's psyche would have been torn into oblivion. Either that or her own power would have destroyed her from the inside out along with everything around her. It would be wise for you to gain your grasp on this while you're fortunate enough to be aware of what you have. Because this is only one face of fate that can occur."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"But I can't" Mason said, putting his hands over his face to let out a muffled scream of frustration, "I just can't! It's not possible! I thought it was, and I wanted it to be possible, but all I'm doing is causing more harm to everyone around me. I'm making people suffer for my actions and making others feel so much pain from it. I've caused nothing but harm to everyone near me in the span of a single day and I... I killed others. Because of my own actions, people died. I'm not cut out for this. I can't be responsible for this magic. I don't care what you gotta do to stop me. Have the Constables lock me away. Kill me if you have to. Whatever it takes to stop more people from getting hurt!"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"And what do you think that'll take Mason?" Jackie asked sternly. "If you were the sole individual responsible for what occurred yesterday, what do you think locking you away would do? You think you're the only one out there with something like this? What's locking one person away going to do to the hundreds of others that are probably out there–some nowhere as good. The Constables don't lock people away when it comes to things like this. They kill them Mason. And right now I'm the one who's standing between them, you, and bullets. Even if they kill you, who do you think is next? That girl, Raven? The boy, Nicholas who's only a child? Instead of sitting here wallowing in sorrow for yourself, use it." She drank the rest of her tea and stood up from her chair, grabbing her phone from the table while she was at it.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason just let her words fall onto his psyche like a brick, weighing his thoughts down more with the thought of having to use his magic again. All he could ask was, "B-But what if I only end up killing more people?" He didn't want that outcome to even be a possibility. He never wanted that to be a possibility. And yet, it was all he could think about. It was all that was in his head, coming back to the destruction that took place in that building, seeing the bodies lined about, it all came back like a bad dream, and it came without warning, and without ending
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"You can't control everything, Mason. People die. The only thing that you can do is focus on what you can control, and only you can decide that. You and Fate. Not Sammy. Not your parents. Not me. But You, and Fate." Jackie returned to the kitchen, wanting to eat the apple that was left at the bottom of her mug but no longer having the appetite to. But she also didn't like things going to waste, and so she reconnected the piece to where it had been sliced from and stored it back into the fridge for later.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason just let the words repeat in his mind "You and Fate". He didn't understand why fate was set for him from the start. He didn't know why it was destined to be because fate decided so. He didn't know what he wanted to do anymore, but he knew that word was a word he hated: Fate. A word that brought him nothing but stress and anguish in this current moment
over a year ago afewseconds said…
When Jackie returned to the dining room, she stared at Mason for a moment before speaking. "I'm going to give her a months time," she said, speaking to Mason. "If her psyche hasn't shown any recovery by then, then I'm afraid that the only solution would be to restrain all of her memories and institutionalize her." Her stomach turned some as she said this though, even if she didn't physically show her disliking towards it. "I'll leave you and Sammy to your day then," She said, going towards the door.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason could only give Jackie a nod at her responses, not even saying a goodbye or a wave. His entire mind was just filled with what he had heard, what he had seen, and what he had to look forward to. All of it making his mind worse and worse

Sammy sat outside on the balcony, a single roll of marijuana between her lips in the hopes of calming her nerves, but with no lighter, she just left it there between her lips, letting it rest there as a sort of habit, thinking about what she had saw, thoughts filling her mind almost immediately. "That wasn't any PTSD I've ever seen. People with mental illnesses are rarely aggressive. What happened in there, what caused all that to happen, was not right. It was nothing that anyone should see, and it had to be Raven. What the fuck is Jackie not telling us?"
afewseconds commented…
Rarely aggressive XD My god, what classes did she take?! over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie gave Mason one last look, one filled with pity and empathy. She left out the door, closing it behind her with a gentle click compared to the slamming that it had suffered from the person who had left out before she had. She stood there for a moment, thinking back to the moment at the arcade. She hadn't been able to get the image out of her head. The image of Raven holding the child's torso so closely, so tightly as if he had only been knocked unconscious or was suffering from a minor concussion. As if he was still alive.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy's eyes moved up to Jackie as she closed the door now, noticing that Jackie was paying her no mind. Of course, Sammy didn't really bother to care, but she was sure to take the roll from her mouth and put it back into her pocket for the time being, her hands resting on her knees as she sat completely still, looking out at the neighborhood passed the bars of the balcony
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie tried to push the thoughts from her head, but it was inevitable. There was no way that she was going to be able to do what was going to do without it being present there in her mind. And that's what had been haunting her after her rude awakening at her grandmother's ranch. The only thing she could do was remember something that her grandmother had told her when she had became a reporter.
Be mindful of what you witness. You may find yourself having to strangle that truth for the sake of others.., the elder had told her. And she was afraid that those words were going to be more true than ever. She didn't say anything at all when she passed by Sammy, walking down the steps and whistling for her broom.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Hmmmm...." Alana's eyes squinted down at Galiah, puzzled at her perception of humans and her reasoning to her liking of them. It seemed very odd how she addressed them as if she wasn't a part of them, playing a different role almost perfectly. "You're a little weird." She had to admit. "Actually, no, very weird. But it strangely suits you which makes things even more weird."

Once they were inside the small car, Alana had played some link to wake themselves up by the time they arrived to the beach. Her driving was calm and collected despite the hour–being fully awake and alert. She munched on the granola bar she brought along with her, letting Galiah choose whichever flavor she wanted for herself and taking the leftovers. She bobbed her head along the beat of the music–and within minutes, the cement roads they drove in were replaced with a sandy path, along with the tall buildings now being palm trees as they neared their destination. "No funny stuff today, you hear me?" Alana reminded Galiah while pulling into the staff parking lot.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah looked at Alana with a look of curiosity, "I could call you strange as well, you know? For instance, this music" Galiah stated, listening to it, "You are clearly listening music that is not originating from the province of Florida. Perhaps you would find enjoyment of the music from my homeland. Quite the exotic theme that brings memories of my youth to my ears." Galiah replied, losing herself in faint memories with a smile appearing on her face as she thought, before she was brought out of it by Alana's next response, giving a nod, "Yes, yes, I understand. I, personally, will do nothing strange. But if something like that painting appears again, I am not responsible"

Sammy's eyes turned to Jackie, wanting to say... something. Ask questions, hurl an insult or too at her, but nothing came out. She just sat their in her slump, silent, not moving, not even a thought in her mind. Just... silent
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie hopped onto her broom without wanting to waste anymore time, but stopping to look at her phone for a moment. The broom shot off into the air and disappeared out of sight.

But then she appeared in front of the balcony suddenly, the broom coming down in a hard whoosh. There were almost a dozen flashes that would meet Sammy's eyes before she would realize that Jackie had the camera to her phone aimed at her.

Scrolling through the pictures, Jackie admired her decent photography from her broom rather than what she took a picture of, and then tucked her phone away. She still didn't say anything though and instead flew off to where she needed to be.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Ah, what the fuck!?" Sammy shouted as the flash from the phone as she tried to cover her face from the camera, using her arms to shield herself fro the flashes before she shouted, "The fuck is your problem!?" But before she could add onto it, Jackie was already long gone, Sammy standing up now, finding her peace ruined as she proclaimed, "Fuckin' weirdo!"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
While Jackie was flying off, she scrolled through the photos that she had taken and began to sort them, separating the clearer ones of Sammy's face and deleting the others that didn't meet the criteria that she was going for. There was only a few other things that she could try to help Raven for what it was worth. What she hadn't told Mason or Sammy was that she had a plan, as risky as it was, to try as a last resort.

As far as she was concerned, Raven wouldn't be able to function right even if she were to let her off so soon with what memories she had managed to start repressing. There was no doubt that she was unstable still as well, which meant that more would have to be repressed either way. And if all else failed, Jackie would have to do what needed to be done. And somewhere within her faith in fate shook uneasily.

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Okay, I'm ready for a time skip XD)
over a year ago afewseconds said…
(It hasn't even gotten to that yet XD Although it doesn't seem like much of anything else of importance is happening anyways)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(I don't got much else aside from Mason and Sammy sulking and Galiah being a foreigner, the latter is only charming for so long XD)
over a year ago afewseconds said…
(I mean, I could blow up the beach to add some more charm xD)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Tempting, but maybe another time. I'll just take the timeskip XD)
over a year ago afewseconds said…
("Another time: is going to be in the near future XD If I can't explode it, erode and implode it.)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(How do you even blow up a beach? It's mostly sand and water. But this conversation is taking too much time in the main RP, I feel XD)
over a year ago afewseconds said…
((Even if its mostly sand and water, both that sand and water still are on land/earth/crust xD And that land/earth/crust can be blown the fuck up :D
But yeah, this conversation is XD Or is it?))

(But I mean, I guess we can do the big time skip.)
last edited over a year ago