The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 replies

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Showing Replies 1901-1950 of 9440

over a year ago afewseconds said…
"If she's anywhere it will have a possibility of occurring, Mason," Jackie said as if it were obvious. And it was–to her, at least. Then again, she also expected the person who was supposed to be her student in magic know a little more. Which caused her to add, "And you would be aware of this if you weren't slacking off during teachings." She crossed her arms loosely. "But, it is less of a possibility than it would have been if it hadn't already happened. When it happened in December I believe it had been so devastating due to a clog in her output of mana from years it had been repressed. That combined with your magic your presence exposing her to magic along with added stress caused her release a great deal of that repressed energy, which in turn drug forth your own magic temporarily. That's why unlike before, it's active instead of dormant."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha’s eyes widened when she was told about Nicholas, them softening only when he further explained the situation. She was also shocked to hear how all his security winding up dead, which only further gave her reason to believe Abel was just in much danger that Yoon was in. If they were to actually move to Tampa, it would be far too far, and she couldn’t afford to leave everything behind, including her business. But she couldn’t stand to watch her Yoonie go alone.

Yoon’s frown deepened into one of pity and guilt when she thought about the boy. She picked at her fingers within the hoodie. The woman was petrified and scared now from what she heard. She felt like eating the twibar now to soothe some stress. She brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them in thought. She wasn’t even sure how to respond to the news. “That’s.. that’s terrible...” She mumbled, the fear and shock revealing itself in her voice. But then she repeated Abel’s exact words in her head again. “W-Wait, did you say m-magic? Like... someone there will have magic 24/7 on them?”


“Well, today is your lucky day then.” Alana announced as she continued to walk to the shed, gliding her sandals from the gritty cement road to the sand now. “You’re pretty small so I think we’ll both fit perfectly on one.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeah, Mason, quit slacking off" Sammy said with a snicker sitting back down casually leaving Mason with a low grumble as he replied under his breath about the two,"This is why I'm gay".
Sammy crossed her arms as she leaned back, looking over her phone as she scrolled through the miriad of text messages that she had sent Raven. Every day for the passed six months, and no message back since. It made her a bit worried, but she decided to keep hers and Mason's arrival a secret for the time being

Galiah turned to Alana with a look of surprise, standing up now in total shock as she spoke "Wait, really?" Though her excitement quickly shifted into a state of nervousness as she added, "I mean.... Is it a good idea to jump straight into it? I haven't had much practice with it"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Hmmm..." Alana scratched her chin in thought. At her mid-teenage years, she used to teach kids how to swim and surf on this same beach. She still even had her portfolio that advertised her still doing so currently. "That's alright, there are six-year-olds here surfing already at their age. I think you'll do pretty fine. And if not then we can just continue with you accompanying me on my surfboard. Either way you get to see the beauty of the waves crashing." She said, unlocking the Staff shed with her special keys to reveal the various surfboards and first aid kits available.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Correction. I get to see the beauty of the waves without it trying to drown me" Galiah said, reminding Alana of the first time they had met. She had also grown a sense of humor in her six months here, having been told that making others laugh was an easy way to get them to like you, which she made sure to do more of
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"No," Abel replied to Yoon's question with a simple response at first. "The agents we have that can wield "magic" are few and far. However, magic isn't the only source that we have to combat these threats, and the security at the location in Tampa will be considerably more potent compared to that in which the boy had."

Unlike when they first met, Abel's demeanor towards Yoon had come to change bit by bit over the passing months. When he spoke he no longer spoke at her but more directly, and in a manner of speaking he saw her as less of a nuisance to him than he had thought her to be before.

"However," he continued. "There will be a consultant there from time to time that does have the experience to guide you in your use of the energy. There will also be others there like yourself. But for now until I receive any further orders, you both will be fine here for the time being, seeing that there seems to be a number of reliable sigils and the liking here that are durable enough to be useful still."


Jackline was quiet for a few minutes of the ride, scrolling through her phone until she would eventually turn off the screen and change the tv within the RV to a news channel. But once she saw that there wasn't any relevant being spoken about, she scoffed and gently tossed the remote aside. "You know now that I think about it, sooner rather than later Raven will have to be convinced to leave her home as well as informed of the existence of magic. I don't see either being particularly easy tasks."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana shrugged. "Don't you worry, it's my job after all to ensure you don't drown." She said, eyeing the many surfboards to choose from. She was going to go for something colorful, but then realized she didn't want them getting scratches and paint tears. So instead, she opted for one of the wooden once she designed herself. The link was at least twice as tall as Galiah, yet Alana was able to lift it with ease and over her head. "This should work well enough, it's not too slippery either for you to sit on." She said while exiting the shack. She tossed the keys at Galiah. "Do me a favor and close up while I go get the work truck."

* * *

"Others... like myself?" Yoon fell silent in thought, reflecting back to when Yasha first told her there were more keepers out there like herself. Her thumbs rubbed against each other within her pockets, making sure to not make any noise from the Twix bar hidden that Abel so generously gave her. She too noticed Abel's view of annoyance and hatred towards her shifting, especially for what he did today. Yoon figured it was perhaps because she agreed with going through her mother's trainings. Although, she was still too shy to look him in his eyes for a long period of time without breaking contact. Yoon was relieved to hear that for the time being she could still stay in her home. She knew her mother would probably be stubborn in going herself just because of her business and financial responsibility.

"Thank you, Abel-pie." Kyung-ha thanked him for providing her such information. She took another sip of her tea, unable to imagine both Sangeon and Yoon not present in her house. But she knew deep down they were both safer than they'll ever be if they didn't stay where she currently was. "Is there anything we can do to help the little boy?" She asked in reference to Nicholas.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Abel only gave a nod when Kyung-ha had thanked him, though he kept her oblivious to the fact that he was also having whatever extra surveillance he had available at his disposal to be shifted towards Sangeon. He saw it necessary in case the Droven planned to seek him as another target, and he knew that this must have crossed the mother's mind at one point or another. "As of now I'm afraid not," he answered Kyung's question, his gaze resting on her now. H"The Constables are currently expending their more reliable resources in order to locate the boy or at the very least a trail on the Droven which may then lead us to the location of him."

The more Abel spoke about the situation, the more irritable he seemed to become. It could be told from the way his eyes shifted away every now and then in thought. He felt as if he were witnessing himself be placed under the mercy of Droven again, and in his mind he knew that Nicholas was possibly going to suffer just as he had if they weren't able to reach him fast enough. If he weren't already a lost cause, a cold corpse drained of life and soul.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Before Kyung-ha could comfort Abel about the situation with a few words of her own, Yoon spoke up hesitantly.

"M-Maybe there's something I can do to help!" She squeaked up. Over the past six months she had plenty of time to reflect on the day she lost who she considered to be a close friend. During that process she also realized her mistakes and immaturity against a fourteen year old. After his disappearance, Kyung-ha had blamed Yoon to an extent since he might have taken the chance to reside with them if it weren't for their animosity towards each other. She now felt the need to help if it was beneficial. That, and maybe it meant she could leave her mother's strict house for a while. "...N-Nicholas was a-able to find me with this compass thing he had... M-Maybe I can do the same thing! Yasha did tell me all the keepers had some form of connection, I-I bet I c-could somehow t-track him!"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Abel looked over at Yoon with a blank expression, staring for a moment in silence after her suggestion. He had heard Yoon use the term "Keepers" many times throughout his time acquainted with her, but he had never actually taken it into account until it had been mentioned vaguely by the C.O.M.. He hadn't found any collection of the term in the Constable archives aside from one incident that dated all the way back to a time near the founding of the organization. And though he did find it peculiar that there wasn't anything else on the subject, he deduced that it must have been an outdated term for those who possessed strange abilities. But if that were the case, why was it resurfacing now? And how did this acquaintance that Yoon spoke of have knowledge of it?

"I don't believe that it would be possible considering that our C.O.M. has her own means of handling matters involving tracing the signatures of energy that are associated with 'magic', as does the organization." Regardless of him saying this though he was satisfied that she was able to come up with the idea, and Yoon would be able to catch the faintest sign of a smile at the corner's of Abel's lips. "I do however welcome the effort to look into your hypothesis. It's a plausible deduction. This compass you spoke of, is their any information that you're able to give about it? Anything would assist in furthering the arrival of a conclusion towards what actions we can take in the future."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon blinked as her eyes went to his mouth when she saw Abel's small smile, distracted from all the other words that came out his lips. Even if she had heard them she probably would've only understood about half of it. But then she snapped back into reality when she realized she was asked a question due to the silence that came afterwards. "-h-huh? O-Oh, uhmm..." She stumbled upon her words, a very faint blush accumulating on her cheeks. "I-It was like a magical GPS system o-or something... When we first met h-he was being chased by a monster--n-not a droven--," She quickly corrected, "a-and that compass led h-him to me f-for some r-reason... I-It was like a yellow fire thingy th-that I think helps him escape things o-or leads him to wherever he wants to go..." Yoon concluded. Now she regretted not asking more about it when she had the chance since it seemed reliable information for Abel.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Abel listened closely when Yoon had started answering the question after her short moment of, at least to him, lost in thought. He was used to the light stumbles in her words when she spoke and followed along each word of information that she gave. But the more she began to describe the magic that Nicholas had used back then, the more he quickly began to realize that the situation was more troubling than they thought. It was good that they had already taken precautionary actions for the safety of the other magic bearers, but with the new information even those precautions weren't enough in his eyes. If the way that Yoon description of how this compass of Nicholas's appeared to operate was definite, then they were at a severe disadvantage. "This alters the course of things greatly," he said while brows knitted together as he analyzed what he had just been told in his head. "This information is critical enough to the degree that more of our actions towards the ordeal will have to expand. There is no doubt that you may have not only saved a number of lives with this information but time as well. Well done."
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"--I-I did?" Yoon's eyes widened some at what she took as a shocking compliment. Although a part of her felt bad for not mentioning it earlier. "....y-yeah... i-i guess I" She mumbled now, her eyes glancing down at her lap as if they were so interesting of a distraction. She curled a stand of her damp hair behind her ear.

"Poor boy." Kyung-ha shook her head. A few decades ago a situation like this wouldn't have caused her to feel this much pity or empathy. But ever since she had children and met Abel, her perception on things had changed. "If authorities need more help in anything, I willing to put hands on to fix problems sooner."
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"While I appreciate the offer, I would rather you not become involved in the affairs of the Constables. You're retired and a mother of two. You're duties are no longer to serve as the force of the organization, but to care for your children as well as yourself." It had taken time to realize and accept this himself, to accept that Kyung-ha was no longer the woman that he had come to know those years ago. She was no longer his teacher or instructor, nor the Constable's respected Obangsaek Sasin of Korea. But a mother. But in turn, he had began to see her as something that had grown weak and fragile–something that needed to be protected in the days that were to come. But his respect for her didn't waver in the slightest.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy gave a sigh, worried that it would come to that conclusion as she replied, "Well the way she was introduced to it... yeah, it's not going to be easy. But it's teach her or let her fend for herself" Sammy said, though she didn't exactly like it, she knew that the alternative was far less preferable. Mason didn't try to think much of it, and instead tried to lighten the mood, "Uh, hey, on the bright side, I was able to finally get a promotion on my job. I now get a bonus for my pay. Can finally start working for more than minimum wage"

"Alright" Galiah said as she walked passed Alana to do as she was told. Any other time, she would've been too stubborn to use the keys and would've used magic to lock the door instead. Though under orders from Alana to at least try to blend in, Galiah just locked the door with the set of keys. She had been doing much better than she did at first, learning how to use them without struggling as hard or breaking the key in the lock
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Why thank you very much!" Alana teased, since she knew well the urge of using magic was just around the corner of Galiah's mind. "I'm promising you that by using as little bit of magic possible, no one will be able to even detect or question what or who you are besides human." Once she reached her red pickup truck she used for work, she carefully placed the large surfboard in the back, making sure to secure it with a few ropes. She grabbed another set of keys within her satchel and unlocked the car. "So, are you getting in the car or are ya gonna ride in the back like last time?"

* * *

"Nyaah," Kyung-ha began while shaking her head, "I mother but I still cut anyone who harms family into radish pieces for soup." She crossed her arms with furrowed brows. "Maybe a little old, but then Yoonie take my place and cut people into ginger pieces if they want to mess around."

"H-Huh?!" Yoon jolted. "Uuuuuhhhhh, no." She shook her head. Even while cooking with her mom she would cut certain vegetables unevenly and most of the time experience some form of injury. Although her mom had been training her with a broomstick, that was nowhere near to compare with an actual weapon. "I'll just stick to um, running."

At Yoon's response, Kyung-ha rolled her eyes. But then they shot open when she suddenly remembered something. "Oooh, 그의 선물!" She ordered Yoon. Her daughter blinked before realizing what she said.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot." Yoon excused herself to go fetch something from her room.

Meanwhile, Kyung-ha smiled at Abel to describe what was coming. "You do lots for us, and us want to splurge little bit for you to show gratitude." She smiled motherly, watching Yoon return holding a medium-sized black box with a red bowtie on it. "I no know what young adults into nowadays, so Yoonie helped with picking." She informed him.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Couldn't you have done that by accepting my job offer?" Jackie asked with a raised brow when Mason told them about the promotion in his job. "A well paying job and that's without the promotion at that," she went on to add. She wasn't too fond of minimum wage jobs because of course, like most in the walk of life, she had had her own experiences that molded her outlook on them. Her attention went back to Sammy. "Our decisions are limited when it comes to how we are able to approach her with the concept of there being another, less obvious side to this world." Her lips puckered a little as she thought about it. From what she gathered from the pseudo-sessions with Raven, she found that the woman still vaguely remembered the Gemimi as well. But like with Sammy and Mason, the memory of it seemed as if it were still cloudy to her. She was unsure of them, which she thought could possibly make things less difficult when it came to swaying her perception of things.


Abel's brow furrowed a little in dismay when Kyung explained to him that they had spent their money on something that was supposed to be for him. From his perspective, they weren't obligated to show any form of gratitude towards him. He simply did what he had been prepared and conditioned for. Yes, he included going the extra length to ensure that Kyung-ha and her family were safe because they like many others were entitled to that safety, but to him that money spent on him was necessary for that. The look in his eyes, though dull, held genuine surprise as he watched Yoon return with the gift.
"While I do appreciate the kindness that you show me, surely your finances could have gone towards something much more effective and efficient than myself, Kyung." He said, turning his gaze to the woman.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah was reminded of a tragic incident when riding in the back of the car that ended with her face smacking into a seagull and sending it falling to the ground into a mess on the ground. Galiah shook her head as she answered, "I'll ride up front". With that, she stepped into the car and put on her seat belt

"I'm comfortable with the job I have now, actually" Mason replied, though he would admit the fact that he had to large footprints in the woods that was just sunken into the mud or having to take pictures of a frisbe on the beach to make it look like a UFO after the things he had found was silly at this point, when there was actual strange happenings all around him now.
Sammy just had to think on her own what she had to say to Raven. She knew that she of all people could be wreckless with their words, so she did what she could to not say anything too traumatizing. She would just stick with formalities and avoid anything too touchy, if she could
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"How is finding comfort in a job that forces you to remain living within a van even possible?" Jackie scoffed. She found it ridiculous and almost admirable how long Mason had been refusing her offer for one that was considerably less helpful with finances and paying bills. Though she did understand that they probably didn't have many bills to pay even before she had become involved. However to accept living in a van opposed to doing so more comfortably within a home with a bed full of warm sheets while being paid just enough to scrape by? That was beyond anything she was willing to accept doing. "But whatever helps you float in the sea, I suppose."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"I wasn't forced to live in a van. Just... chose to" Mason said in his defense, though Sammy admitted that his job was the absolute worst. Sammy just gave a groan and she replied, "Mason, if you ain't gonna man up and take the job, then I'll just take it for you. I fail to see how taking pictures of a baseball in the air and calling it a UFO can be a single beneficial job. Besides, what does this promotion even do? You do the same thing you did before."
"Well... it, um... Let's me edit my articles after I post them" Mason said, thinking of any benefit that came from it.
Sammy groaned before she replied, "Mason, just quit this job. You hate it, I really hate it, and Jackie has a better job lined up. You can't tell me it'd be easier to stick with this miserable job you have rather than take something better"
"I can't just up and quit" Mason said, "How could I?"
"Easy. Tell your boss, "I quit'. As simple as that" Sammy answered
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Now now Samantha, if Mason wants to enjoy his minimum wage and mooching off of the credit card I allowed the both of you to use then I say allow him to do so," Jackie said sarcastically with a snicker. "Besides, I don't believe you'd be a fit for the position. Or not as much as Mason would be since generally speaking, though there's always room for improvement, he does have the skills required of a journalist." And whether Mason took this as a compliment or not, it was a nod towards her having read some of his work on the site she had told him about months prior to now. "But if you're looking to get yourself into the working field, I believe that I may know of something right up your alleyway of taste."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"It's not lik-" Mason had spoken up to say, knowing that he never touched the card that was given to them. Mason had a habit of refusing money that wasn't earned, and he would only buy food and necessities with his $300 a week, knowing full well that Sammy was the one doing the needless spending. But before he coul defend himself, Sammy spoke up, forcing Mason.
"I'm down for anything to get some extra cash. Except working on the streets or working a pole. I have class" Sammy spoke
"Like anyone would pay for your services" Mason said under his breath, a bit of irritation in it
"Did you say something Mason?" Sammy said as she turned her head
"No, nothing" He replied
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
It only took Galiah and Alana around six minutes of a drive to arrive to Alana's work station. The red tower stood proudly awaiting its occupant, who was currently parking the car nearby. "Here, go and take the surfboard up to the shore, I'll meet you there in two, okay? Maybe splash some water on yourself and get used to the cold of it." She told her, hopping off the vehicle and quickly making her way up the stairs to set out her workplace so it would be ready to go if need be in the future. She tossed her satchel to the side and began putting out the rescue tubes and floating lines in display, making sure to follow with her daily routine before taking time for herself.

* * *

Kyung-ha dismissed his reluctance with a wave of her hand. "You are as eFfiCiEnT and EfFecTiVe as anything else." She said, mocking the fancy English vocabulary she didn't know. "This just a little gift from Yoonie and I for everything you do for us."

And upon unraveling the red bowtie and opening the black box, Abel would find two distinct gifts that were able to fit in a singular package. The first and most noticeable one was an expensive and luxurious navy and golden tie with intricate flower detailing, which was accompanied with the a handkerchief of the same design. Both Yoon and Kyung-ha had come to the conclusion it was the best suiting one for Abel considering it reflected his darker style but with a pop of color. In fact, once they had bought the tie, Yoon made some additional detailing following the original pattern with a mauve green and orange to make the flowers look more realistic. Her mother would have taken care of it, but Yoon's small hands served as an advantage to sew into the smaller areas for a deluxe quality.

The next gift was a lustrous, black leather belt with a golden and silver buckle, which matched perfectly with an every-day outfit and seemed to compliment the tie as well. But upon further inspection, Abel would notice the small carvings of ancient, Korean sigils of protection and luck that Kyung-ha carved in there herself. Yet the belt seemed brand new as if no one had touched it at all.

"W-We thought since you'll be staying here for a while, an extra t-tie and b-belt would be convenient as far as your l-laundry goes..." Yoon mumbled while scratching her neck with her sleeves.
last edited over a year ago
It only took Galiah and Alana around six minutes of a drive to arrive to Alana's work station. The re
cosmic_fusions commented…
not letting me post pictures >:( so outside the rp it goes over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
ok its not letting me post at all so until it does just pretend its amazing xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Can we have a link? over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
I DID IT, fanpop couldn’t outsmart my SMARTphone xD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah watched as Alana made her way up the tower before she turned her attention back to the shore, watching as the waves slowly moved back and forth along the shoreline. She looked down at her feet, watching as the water rolled over her toes and back as she stared down at it, "And to think this stuff almost killed me. Hmm"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Mmm, I suppose I could say you have a bit of class. I'd say the next step is for you to actually graduate," Jackie said with a little gesture of her hand. "I have a friend that works in the fashion designing field for women and men's clothing that could use some extra hands of assistance. So you're interested I could definitely put in a word or two for your benefit." And this was just out of the kindness of her heart. There was nothing that she would claim for doing such a thing other than seeing another person having a chance to truly thrive.


Abel's lips went into a barely visible frown as he held the gift within his hands and stared down at the red bow-tie that held it together. Somewhere in his mind he thought about what the box felt like while it was there in his hands. It was simplistic and smooth looking in appearance, and so he associated the words with what he thought he would feel if he could. He looked back to Yoon and Kyung-ha for a second, wanting to return the gift to them out of thinking that he was undeserving. However he knew that doing such a thing could be seen as rude, and so instead his hands began to move to open the gift.

Unlike most people, he didn't tear into the gift or snatch away the tie of red around it. Instead he slid the box from its decorative tie of red and sat it aside as if it were the gift itself. He opened the black box carefully, folding each flap neatly to its sides until he reached the awaiting gifts that Kyung and Yoon had so generously gotten for him.

Abel first held the tie and handkerchief together within his hands, studying the intricate floral patterns of gold that were sewn against the navy blue. His fingers traced over the fabric that his eyes studied closely until he turned his attention to the belt. He was silent while observing the gifts while Yoon was giving the reason behind them, and a few seconds later he neatly placed everything back to where it had been within the box and unfolded its flaps. He looked at the two, the small smile that he had given Yoon returning. But this time it was slightly wider than any of his previous ones and most of all humble. "Thank you, Kyung, Yoon, for such an exceptionally superb gifts. I won't allow them to go wasted."


Meanwhile on the beach while Galiah was at the shoreline, she would be able to see someone a good distance down to her right closer to the where the water came and went.

And this someone was no other than Edgar, who's beach hat now hung down his back by its string which had fallen down around his neck while he worked at the canvas in front of him. But there was something off about the way that he moved, the motions of his hands frantic and lacking any singular pattern while his chalky paint covered fingers swiped across the white board with bold colors.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"ha ha. Yeah, right. Nice try, Jackie, but you ain't fooling anyone with that" Sammy replied, assuming that the offer was far too good to be true as she waved it off, turning her eyes to the window. But as she stared out of it, she looked back to Jackie and replied, "What kind of clothes are we talking here? What's the style?"
"Oh god, here we go" Mason said, already knowing where this was going.

Galiah turned her eyes to Edgar, almost immediately remembering him from last time. She was hoping to run into him again, to ask him about the painting that he had left behind, the one with the ever changing images, but she didn't want to harass him yet again. Despite this, she found herself taking a small step in his direction, her eyes locked onto him now
over a year ago afewseconds said…
3...2...1, Jackie counted down in her head the amount of time that it would take Sammy to reconsider her offer. And when she did just that, she grinned a little. "I would describe it as..hmm, saucy, for lack of a better term. There's a certain snappy aesthetic to the clothing that screams personality in volumes. It all depends on the season. This friend of mine seeks originality beyond all else."


Edgar continued to move about while zoned in to what he was doing, his mind singled onto the colors and what they were blending into. But as the canvas became full, his fingers were dipped into the paint in the order that they had been set up in and he dropped to his knees in the sand, immersed completely in the unseen. Despite the many canvases that he had, the paint was spread onto the sand as if what he was working at was much too important to leave even a single second open for what he saw to fleet away.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon returned Abel’s small smile, however hers was slightly more expressive with her humble brows. She figured that could perhaps make up for him buying her a Twix bar behind her mother’s back. She was originally planning on getting him a pair of comfy sweats for him to realize how convenient they were, but upon further argument against her mother she didn’t follow through with it.

“Oi, love you Abel-pie.” Kyung-ha took the chance to put down her cup and stand up in order to place a soft kiss on Abel’s forehead. And although she knew he couldn’t feel it, she reassured him with a “You are worth much more, but for now this can serve as useful.” She smiled motherly at him. “No get nice tie bloody, Oke?”


“Life suit? Check. Rescue boards? Check. Extra long retriever line? Check.” Alana went through her list, removing her oversized sweater and shorts to reveal the red one-piece bathing suit she had underneath. She took a sip of water from her large hydroflask, setting it away from the sun. When she ensured everything was out and in place, she proceeded to layer her skin with generous amounts of sunscreen as she usually did to avoid the painful burns that would come in the future. Even then, sometimes she’d still be greater with that pain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Hmm. Interesting, and doesn't come off as too up-ones-own-ass" Sammy replied, thinking it over, "Hmm, but I'm an artist. Not much good with a thread and needle. But if I can draw up some designs and send it to this friend of yours, perhaps I could be willing to do that. Gotta do something while we wait for our book to get off the ground. Right, Mason?"
"Yeah, right" Mason said in a low toned manner, pulling off the highway as they were finally leaving the Tampa area, moving out into the next city area. Sammy gave a chuckle, "Oh, don't tell me you're too in love with taking pictures of bird footprints to write anything else now."
"Will you drop it already" Mason replied as he continued to drive

Galiah didn't know why, but she let herself move ever closer in the direction of Edgar, as if she was doing it all on her own. She knew that going to him would only spell more trouble for her, for him and even Alana, but she was on a mission after all. A mission that she had made zero progress in since she arrived. And she knew that she couldn't wait much longer
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Jackie went to roll her eyes at what she saw as Mason being a bit salty about what she had said early. "Come now Mason, darling. You're current occupation maybe a part of the low but that doesn't take away from how well you writing is," She gave him a smile, purposely looking directly into the rearview where she knew that he could see her. "If it did, I wouldn't have offered you an alternative to began with. As for you," she turned to Sammy. "If you actually plan on making yourself a place within his store, then I'd recommend sending some of your best work. He's particularly forthright when it comes to the subject of designing and taste."


Edgar used his paint dripping fingers and now hands to wipe his hand through the sand, leaving large squiggly lines of green, purple and red that he drug across the ground until they were almost a two meters long. And there were many of these that he returned to the canvas to draw them extending out onto the sand. At some point it looked like he was going to trip over his cooler while he was backing up, but he surprisingly stepped around it and went as far as to absentmindedly kick it out of the way rather harshly, sending bottles of mineral water, two personal bottles of Jack , and the ice water that everything was floating in spilling across the ground.


Abel gave an empty chuckle and gave her a nod of understanding. "I will make it a priority to try to avoid implementing your gifts into my attire if there is a possibility that I will have to be involved in those sorts of tasks. I give you my word," he promised to her before thanking her and Yoon once more.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah would slowly find herself right next to Edgar, who was lost in the sight of his painting, having to lean forward a a little to be in his line of sight. Once she was in between him and the painting, she looked at the bottles scattered around and stated, "Hey, fam, littering's a crime"

"My writing's not that good" Mason spoke up, almost immediately, a bit too immediate in fact, as if to get the subject over with immediately before he brought up, "I agree with Jackie. Send the guy some pictures. Good idea for us all"
"Aw, are you salt, Mason" Sammy said with a grin, "Are you upsetti spaghe-"
"Sammy, stop" Mason replied in a soft tone, as if to subdue the anger that was rising in his heart now as he continued to drive, "Believe it or not, I like working the job I have. It's underground enough to where I don't have to be worried about my work, about lots of people seeing it, and can still get paid thanks to ad revenue. So, I appreciate the offer, Jackie, but I'd rather not have to worry about lots of people seeing my writing."
"So... You wanna write a book, but are scared of people reading your book?" Sammy said, having heard this for the first time ever before she leaned forward, "Mason, you're a fucking idiot! I've seen your writing, it's good shit, and yet you're scared if someone doesn't like it? If people don't like it, fuck 'em. You won't know if it's good until you let people see it"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
While Kyung-ya had the chance still standing, she pinched at Abel’s cheeks like a grandmother would before gently releasing them with a chuckle. “I know my Abel will.” She nodded. But then her expression slightly shifted when she witnessed Yoon standing there awkwardly since she didn’t feel like it was her place to hug him or kiss him on the forehead at all. “Yoonie, you mime or something???” Kyung-ha furrowed her brows. “Make useful and wash dishes!”

Yoon jolted at her mother’s sudden orders. She sighed, already have accepted her stressful and torturing way of living now. Wake up, train and get hurt, sleep. Not to mention that one meal a day with no junk food was inhumane to her. She longed the bubbly feeling of drinking soda again. So before she could question her mom, she zipped a salivating mouth and proceeded to carry out the empty cups into the kitchen.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"I agree. You can't write a book expecting it to be published and received well if you aren't willing to display it for others to see," Jackie said in agreement with Sammy. "Of course there are going to be individuals that don't like it. Not everything is for everyone nor will it ever will be. It's a part of life, Mason. Preferences and acquired tastes. I, as a journalist, quite enjoyed reading your material. And if your book so happens to be written in a similar format, I'd happily give it a read. Hell, I'll support your publishing financially if it'll further things along."


Abel of course didn't feel anything when Kyung-ha pinched his cheeks, but knew that he hated when she did that to him while he was younger and instinctively tried to brush her hands away. His attention went between Kyung and her daughter, watching as Yoon grabbed the tray and the cups that they had been on and took them to the kitchen to do as her mother had asked of her. "She has grown," he said to Kyung while his eyes were on where Yoon had disappeared to.


Edgar's reply was delayed severely, and it was as if Galiah wasn't there while he had his head turned towards the sand with an unnatural focus. It wasn't until he looked up, his eyes inhabiting two extra irises and pupils that moved slowly in and out of sight around the first, and stared at her in a sort of lost trance. But when he began to blink in rapid succession, it took him a few seconds of confused staring until he released a startled cry, jumping back in surprise as he found Galiah in front of him. He fell into the sand, blinking a few more times as colorful streaks left his vision. "Who the heck–wait a minute, you again?" He questioned.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason almost felt his heart explode at the mention of funding his book, having to ease himself off the gas as he felt his foot press against hit more before he responded, "W-Well, if you really think it's that good, I guess I could take up another job" Mason said, though he was still feeling a bit more excited at the thought of his writing being considered acceptable before adding, "B-But, you don't have to fund it. I'd rather try and work off my own steam and get it published myself. But I do appreciate it"
"Yeah, see. Jackie's a fan of your work." Sammy said in a reassuring manner "And she had to read about your trashy "stories". If she can find value in that, then I assure you you'll be able to write far better stories that aren't about this crap"

"That's right, famsquad" Galiah said, having not retained her conversation with Alana about not using it, thinking it would be best to use it on a young person before she added, "Glad you remember me, because I remember you as well. You left your paintings behind and we were hoping to return them to you"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Fam-what?" Edgar was a bewildered, though part of this was probably because he still felt as if he had came down from a strong high at the moment. Once his eyes finished returning to normal after another blink, he sat there for a moment registering what the strange woman had said. He didn't exactly remember dropping anything exactly, let alone from sixth months ago. "I uh...I mean, you coulda just thrown them away or something," he said, assuming that's what probably had happened anyways. He scratched his head. "Is that why your um..right here."


"Either way whether I fund it or not, as long as it gets around to being published then I'll be satisfied," Jackie stated, turning to look out the window as she spoke. "If its something that you hold your pride and passion in, then you should start giving yourself a chance and do it. The saying goes that we are our own worst enemy. And if you spend all the time in the world critiquing yourself, then when will others be able to spend time reading something they may enjoy?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Actually, I'm here because Alana is here" Galiah answered, looking back at the lifeguard tower that she was still in before she turned back to Edgar and answered, "She's been keeping me around while I work here as well to help pay for the rent at our apartment. Well, hers, but I guess I've contributed enough to share it. You just happened to be here, and I must admit, the art you make is amazing. For a human, anyway"

"I... Guess you make a point" Mason wasn't really sure if he would ever show his work off to people. He always kept his work to himself, only letting Sammy get a peak at it at times, but when she praised it, he just assumed she was being nice. He knew Sammy wanted to work on this book, and Mason did too, but he was always too afraid of it being hated that he never wanted to do more than finish it, then put it away. He let the thought go about his mind a bit more as he drove, not doing much of the talking for the remainder of the trip aside from when Sammy and Jackie asked him a question
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"For a human? I mean, thanks I guess but is..that supposed to be some sort of joke? Is that why you still have that costume on?" Edgar asked, until he remembered what he had saw a couple of months ago. "I still don't have any physical cash on me because of you know, bank stuff–but its nice and all that she's letting you freeload." He cleared his throat hoping to make something less awkward out of all of this. "Not to be rude or anything but is that all? I was sort of in the middle of something."


"You guess?" Jackie scoffed lightly. But she didn't say anything more about the subject and instead proceeded with looking out of the window. She had forgotten that they were in a vehicle rather than on their broom and had to remind herself that one had the advantage that the other didn't have. Which was that one could fly, obviously, and so things were slower traveling by road. And now that she thought about it, it had been a while since she had driven her own car since she had been needing to get to destinations quickly. She made a mental note for herself to go for a drive for nothing more than to enjoy the ride when she got the chance to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, just one more thing" Galiah said as she crossed her arms, staring at him a bit again but making sure not to step too close to him once again before she added, "How were you able to make the painting mirror like that? You know, the one that reflects the person over and over again?"

Sammy found that Jackie had been distracted by the view outside, while Mason was lost in his own thoughts on what he was going to do in the future, leaving Sammy to just talk to herself once more. Though she was glad that the silence was less depressing and more about their own plans, Sammy was a bit anxious to get to Orlando. She hadn't been there in months, and was more than excited to see what it was like nowadays. Of course, she was mostly excited to see Raven again, and so Sammy was left to think about what she would say to her when they met, leaving the car ride totally silent for the remainder of the hour long drive
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"A mirror painting?" An expression of confusion washed onto Edgar's face, and his hand lifted to scratch his head again until he realized that he had paint on them. Which in turn also made him realized that the back of his head probably looked like a rip-off LGBTQ flag from when he had scratched there before. Well shit. Great. He thought to himself a little annoyed. "I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about."


Jackie continued to stare out the window for the rest of the ride, thinking about the options that were available for use when they inevitably were going to have to handle the situation with Raven. It didn't take long for her to narrow down what actions she would possibly have to take in order to make sure that things didn't escalate into chaos again. And some of them were less ideal than others. She didn't take her eyes from the window until she realized that they were only a street away from where Raven lived, and she knew this because of the agents that she personally requested to survey the vicinity after last month's happenings. She hadn't informed Mason or Sammy of the incident though, figuring that more tension was something they didn't exactly need at the time.

She sat up a little more in her seat and used to her phone camera as a mirror to make sure she didn't have anything on her face and that every curl within her head was flawless and vibrant and that there weren't any hairs sticking out of place.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason slowly brought the van to a stop once they were at the street end, putting the car into park as he turned to Jackie with a nod, "We're here"
"Nice!" Sammy said, having already thrown the door open and stepped outside, stretching her arms and legs with a light groan as she wrapped her knuckle on the window. "Come on, the sooner the better"
Mason gave a sigh as he removed his seatbelt, opening the car door with a shake of his head, "She's far too excited about this"

"Hmmm.... okay" Galiah replied as she held the board over her head to avoid smacking Edgar in the face with it, a habit that she had to break after numerous times that it had happened in Alana's supervision. Galiah gave him a nod and said, "Have a nice day. And remember, no littering." She turned back to her spot on the beach without another word
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha chuckled softly at Abel’s rejection of her hands on his cheeks, which reminded her of a young version of himself that resembled Sangeon almost. And when Abel finally spoke about Yoon’s growth, a single brow of hers raised and she laughed whole-heartedly again. “Oi?” She shook her head. “For some reason she still has the appetite of a child, I don’t know how she’s getting access to candy still.” She sighed. “If you talk about her personality, then maybe. She always been shy and humble, you just happen to meet her at the worst time possible when she was the opposite of that.” Kyung-ha described her. “Too has she no grow physically.” She joked with a small laugh.


As Alana was finishing her layering of sunscreen, her sharp eyes caught sight of the interaction between Edgar and Galiah. She cursed to herself, ready to jump off and drag Galiah away from him. But she was surprised to see that she was making her leave herself, which made Alana pucker her lips in thought and satisfaction. After securing the red hat over her head, she made her way down the tower stairs.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Edgar reeled a little in disbelief as he watched Galiah return to where she had been on the beach, looking around to see if anyone at all had captured the weirdness of the woman. But of course no one didn't, with how very few people were actually at the beach this time of morning. It wasn't until he was turning back around to start back on what he had been working on.

However, the man had no idea of the scale of what he painted. Along the sands of the beach where the squiggly lines of colors had been drug through the sand, there was a image that was putting itself together. Only from a far enough distance could it be seen that there was a set distance of forty feet between where some of the colors had marked the sand, and those colors mixed until they became a nasty blue. And that nasty blue color formed what looked like massive barnacle, crustacean and sore covered arms that were connected to hands that looked to be digging into the land. Like if something were to be pulling itself from the salty waters of the ocean.
And on the canvas was something eerily monstrous. It was like some sort of hybrid of horrors that came from the deepest depths of the sea. Its head was that of a narwhal's if it came from some lovecraftain horror with pieces of a shark and killer-whale in its features, its body an amalgamation of the hard shell of a crab with fingers, a massive eel looking creature that wriggled from the back of its shoulder, and octopus tumors that looked like its mouth was filled with rotting and broken teeth. The lights of an angler fish hung from the top of its skull where gnarly fins stretched from its skin. It's body was painted to stand many meters above waves caused by the storm that was depicted in the painting.


Abel gave his usual effort of a laugh at Kyung's joke. "She still may have a considerable ways to go, but at the very least she seems to have made a considerable amount of progress compared to then. But eventually she'll fall out of the habit of relying on her unhealthy binges as a source to nourish herself with."


"Oh, you're just taking notice of that?" Jackie asked with sarcasm again as she was preparing to exit the van. Of course he knew just as well as Mason that Sammy was looking forward to today–if not more since it was her phone that had nearly fifty texts from over the span of ten minutes of Sammy's nonstop questioning about this very day just last week. She had even almost been about to block her number when her phone kept receiving texts while she was trying to sleep, but she only turned on the "Do Not Disturb" feature instead. As she got out of the van, her eyes immediately started covering the area until started to spot the solid black vehicles that were at almost every corner where parking was available. She made a gesture towards one of them, and the car could be seen trembling a second as its engine came to life and it started moving towards them.
"Please remember to try not to do anything too brash," she said to Sammy and Mason while closing the door to the van.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Ya know...... you two are fucking racists XD)

Galiah didn't even give his painting a look, thinking that it wouldn't be much if she couldn't gather some magical aura from it and instead, made her way back to the destined spot she was told to wait at, waving at Alana when she saw her staring from the window "Hi Alana" She said with a wave

Mason watched as the car from the side moved, his eyes slwly moving across the landscape in a bit of an uncomfrotable feeling as he took notice of them all, wondering if Raven had to be watched everyday. Mason turned to Jackie and responded, "We'll be fi-"
"Fine! Yes! Come on!" Sammy said quickly before she walked at a quickened pace down the street to where the house was to be
last edited over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
How am I racist XD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
As one of the black cars pulled up behind the van, Jackie let out a sigh while watching Sammy's quick pace towards Raven's apartment building,shaking her head. "Just make sure she doesn't do anything reckless, Mason," she said to him while walking to the passenger's side of the car. "I have some things to tend to, but I'll be nearby at all times. If anything–anything occurs that's out of the ordinary, you contact me no matter what."


Meanwhile Raven stood in her bathroom still dressed in the wrinkled collared shirt that she had been wearing since the day before yesterday and just her underwear. Her eyes shifted between some texts that she had received from one of her youngest brother and watching as the tub was filling further and further with water.

Hey sis
R u coming to visit for father's day???
Mom thinks that u should come
And Caleb does too
Oh and me
I think so too
Its been a lawn time sense we sceen u and stuff

Raven stared at her answer, her finger hovering over the send button until she just tossed the phone aside where it landed in the sink. If I were a book, this'd actually be pretty funny, she thought to herself bitterly with a dry snort as slowly she stepped into the tub, her attention going to the toaster that rested on top of the toilet seat and her eyes following to where the cord was plugged into the wall.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason gave a nod, knowing full well the consequences that would happen like last time. He gave Jackie another nod, as if out of panic, before he replied, "Understood". He didn't show it before, but now that he was here, he was extremely nervous. He decided that, for the mean time, he'll just let Sammy go in ahead first, and take his time to go in. He was, still, trying to collect himself from last time
As soon as Sammy was at the door, she gave a loud wrap on it, not out of aggression, but out of excitement, speaking out loud, "Raven! Raven, it's me! Sammy! Remember?!" Sammy stood at the door, her hands in her pockets as she looked back to where Mason was, seeing that he was still chatting with Jackie. She just rolled her eyes and turned back to the door, knocking on it once again
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Raven let out a sigh, staring that the toaster one last time. It was the very first piece of anything that she had gotten in her apartment when she had first moved into it. Back when she was as broke as a smashed window with nine dollars and seventy-six cents to her name. Back when the only thing she could afford were two loafs of bread and that nasty ass bologna that she had quickly come to despise. No help. No money from her parents to help her get by. Nothing. Sadly enough, the toaster had been the only thing she had to call a friend during those difficult times of having to survive off of toast and ration pieces of bread to make sure she at least had something on her stomach the next day while she found out how she was going to make rent work. Somehow, she always managed by the skin of her teeth to make things work. And so somewhere in her head it was only fitting that things ended how they started. The first things to ever become a part of the apartment would go out together. But unlike all of those other times, she couldn't make things work anymore.

How electrifying, she made an attempt to joke about things one last time as her eyes teared and she began to slide down the wall that her back was against and further down into the tub. But just as her legs and thighs started to disappear into the water.

Knock knack knick knock knock knock!

The hard, loud and sudden sound of knocking startled Raven to the point that she flinched so hard that the toaster flew from her hands. She tried to catch it, the device fumbling on her fingers before it fell and smashed into the ground. Pieces broke off instantly on impact, bits of the breakfast device going flying in different directions as it clattered against the floor. She stood there for a second in shock, her mouth slightly agape as she screeched internally.

"–it's me! Sammy! Remember?!"

"Who the fuck–" Raven growled as she stepped out of the shower–nearly slipping in the process–and started scooping up the toaster and the pieces that had broken off like it was a person who had just died in her arms. However she didn't answer the door, hoping whoever it was would just go away like everyone else had.

Outside the apartment Sammy would be able to take notice of the paper that was hanging on the door, the paper being a warning about possible eviction.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy looked over the note with a bit of worry in her face, looking at it again before she knocked on the door once again, "Raven, it's Sammy. Samantha Nguyen. Remember, the girl with the dragon jacket. No tattoo, sadly." Sammy said, making a bad attempt at a joke before she knocked again, "Come on, Raven. If you don't open up, I'm gonna cry. I even brought Mason with me." Sammy put her hands back into her pockets, stepping away from the door once again as she looked at the note, biting the inside of her lip in worry as she waited for a response of any kind
over a year ago afewseconds said…
The situation eerily seemed to mirror the last time that Sammy had been to Raven's apartment to see her. But in contrast to before there was no answer from Raven that hinted that she was coming to the door, only the sound of dragging feet and mild stomping. Like before, the locks on the door could be heard unlocking one by one as Raven was muttering from the other side of the door.

And again unlike before, when the door opened this time there was no chain to stop it from opening all the way, and instead it swung all the way open and smacked against the wall.

Raven herself was a contrast to the previous time as she stood there, broken toaster in hand, dark rings of sleep under her eyes and her damp hair pushed towards the back to keep it out of her face. Her skin was pale–but far from what was normal for her, and the end of her shirt was drenched and her legs still wet. She almost was like a ghost, and the expression on her face was one that was just done. With everything. With life. With herself.
It took a few seconds for her to even recognize who Sammy was exactly. But the first thing that left her lips were, "Whaddaya want? The nuthouse said you weren't real. And no, I don't have Shadow of the Colossus."
The situation eerily seemed to mirror the last time that Sammy had been to Raven's apartment to see h
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy's smile almost immediately faded at the sight of her, Sammy have to take a step closer to her. She felt her hands raise up to touch her face, as if she were seeing a phantom, wanting to touch her to see if she was there, but she let her hands fall down to her side. Sammy just looked at her and replied, "Jesus, Raven. W-What happen... W-What's happening" She said, not wanting to bring up any past memories as she cleared her throat, "Uh, you look great, Raven. It's... it's good to see you. I've been texting you every day, but I haven't been getting any texts back. H-How about you? You seem to be.... well"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Raven looked Sammy over, rearing back a some when the blonde's hands had lifted to touch her. She had to poke at her memory again to remember who she was when she said that it was good to see her. ..You sound like a distant relative that I don't fuck with, she thought to herself, ignoring what were supposed to be "compliments". But when Sammy mentioned that she had been texting her daily, her expression softened a little now that she could put a face to who the hell had been blowing up her phone as if she were someone of any importance. And of course she didn't text back. She hadn't texted anyone back.
"I seem well? You should've waited a couple more minutes, I would've been weller," She replied, not caring if "weller" was a real word to use or not. And then she reminded herself that the person in front of her wasn't real. "So what are you supposed to be huh? The ghost of Christmas pasts? Well I got some new for ya, your like six months late and 6 months too fucking early. And you broke my toaster. We had a thing."